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               Riley walked home and when she got home she cut herself again. She was crying. She abandoned all of her friends because she has issues. You ruin everything.

                 At Topangas all the friends were doing their homework. "I dont think shes coming." Lucas said sympathetically looking at Maya. Maya shook her head.

                 "It'll be fine." Farkle said looking at Maya. "Im Maya. When is anything ever okay for me?" she said with a shaky voice. Farkle moved and sat beside Maya and hugged her.

            "It will be." Farkle said "You guys have had fights before." Lucas said backing up Farkle. Maya looked up tears streaming down her face "Never like this. It happened so fast. She hates me."

                 "No she doesnt." Zay said Maya nodded "She does. Im a bad friend." she said. The guys looked at eachother not knowing what to do. Maya got a text. "I gotta go. Shawn wants me home for dinner." She got up and walked out.

                Maya, Farkle, Lucas, and Zay were blowing up Riley's phone but she was sitting in the dark, ignoring her texts. Riley was having an anxiety attack.

             She had blood all over her arm and was crying. She eventually fell asleep and woke up to her alarm. She got up and fixed her makeup and changed her outfit.

                  She went out the window and walked to school. She kicked leaves on the street of New York City on the way to her school. She decided not to take the subway so She could avoid her friends.

                   She was walking when she saw Farkle on his phone. The subway station was right behind her so he would pass her. She walked silently and then he saw her.

                He walked quickly over to her. "Riley." he said stopping, she ignored him. "Okay I will talk. You dont do that to Maya. We have been loyal and respectful and trustworthy to you since day one. Why cant you give back?" he said.

              Riley looked at him obviously hurt "Farkle, you left multiple times. Ive proved I dont need you. You come back so you need me. As a friend, I love you but I need to figure out me first. I need to work on my trust, my anxiety, my depression. All you need to do is be ready for me when I come back." she said and walked away.

             Farkle watched her walk away and then ran to the subway station to tell his friends. "I cant go through any part of my life without Riles." Maya said.

               They rode quietly to school when they walked in they saw Riley walk into her dads class. "Hi dad." she said. He looked up from his desk "Riley im busy go talk to your friends." he said looking back down at his desk "What friends?" Riley said. Her dad looked up and sighed what happened now?" he asked.

                 Her friends walked over to the door and listened. "Me. I happened." she said. "And what does that mean?" her dad said completely focusing on her now.

                   "Well," she started "I dont even know. I ruin everything. I pretty much wrecked my friendships with all of them. I lie all of the time. Originally i was being selfish in trying to help myself but now im helping them." she said. "Explain the lies and selfish part please"

                 "Okay. I tell them im fine and im okay and nothing is wrong but its all lies. And the second part? They are better off without me holding them back. Im worthless."

                       "Riley, why would you think that?" her dad asked "Because its true." The bell rang and Riley sat in her seat and her friends hesitantly walked in and sat in their seats.

                    After class, they all walked to their next class but Maya and Farkle had their free period. "So hows life?" Farkle asked. "Obviously not good." Maya said "I know, you guys are best friends. Obviously im close to her too. I mean she kissed me." Farkle said.

            Maya looked at him, he was frozen "She what?" Maya said. Farkle looked at her "Nevermind." he said and started to walk away but Maya pulled him back and forced him to tell her the whole story.


        Hey guys!  Finally updating, sorry I haven't school has been killing me but I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the ones to come!!

      Courtney Ann

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