Chapter Nine

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Watching Rick sleep has become on of my favorite things. His face is so realaxed and still perfectly shaped making me melt inside. After I watch Rick sleep for a creepy amount of time I decide to get up. I go into the bathroom and see all of my stuff and Ricks stuff unpacked and perfectly lined up. Not a single thing out of place.

I then look into the room at Rick and notice my suitcase and his lined up perfectly against the wall. And I realize how freaking clean Ricks room is. He told me his family wasn't big on having maids and a chef and things like that so how could a room that he's lived in his whole life look this freaking nice?

I walk over to the dresser sitting in the corner and I run my finger over it. Not collecting a speck of dust. I open the drawers and see his clothes perfectly pressed and folded. Then I revert the kitchen downstairs and how when Jen and I were putting away the dishes she said put them anywhere and that's exactly what the kitchen looked like. That a family that has been here for a while likes to use their kitchen and get messy every once and a while.

But here in Ricks room it looks like no one is ever been in here. Maybe this wasn't always his room? Maybe his mom wanted to make it look nice for me?

I shrug and get ready for the day. I take a shower and put on my favorite blouse that covers up my baby bump perfectly and pair it with jeans and wedges. I put on only mascara because now I don't feel like wearing makeup because Alexa was right I don't think I need it.

I walk downstairs because I smell something amazing and my mouth waters.

In the kitchen I see Karen and Ricks dad James who I have not formally met yet. He hasn't been around since breakfast yesterday. I wonder why because this is his family that is here this weekend.

"Hi." I awkwardly enter because it looks like they were having a heated conversation.

"Blake honey sit down I have something I want you to try." Karen says smiling at me and embracing me into a hug.

James looks at me and we make eye contact he quickly looks away almost with disgust and walks out of the room.

I kinda feel hurt by the way he looked at me. Does he not accept me? Does he know in pregnant? Does he think i'm a slut?

"Blake honey eat." Karen says pointing to the pancakes she put in front of me.

"Wow these look amazing."

"They are sweet potato pancakes and secret Steven family recipe. I'm special so they gave it to me." She winks.

I grab the fork she has laid out for me and I start eating. After the first bite I moan just as Rick, David, Justin , Logan and Alexis walk into the kitchen.

"Woah music to my ears. "Justin says and smirks at me.

I roll my eyes and look at Rick. He smiles at me and walks around the table.

Everyone sits down at the table around me and I notice Rick is still walking around it. I continue to eat my pancakes and see out of the corner of my eye David pull him down to sit next to me.

I mentally shrug and scarf down the rest of the mouth watering fluffy pancakes.

Karen puts plates in front of everyone else and when she puts it and the silverware in front of Rick I notice him shaking and slightly moving each utensil back and fourth I think he's trying to make them straight even though they look straight to me. I see Alexis and Justin look up at him out of the corner of their eyes and I lightly place my hand on his arm. I look up to him and mouth the words,'Are you okay?'. He clears his throats and nods.

I nod back and continue to eat.

What up with him today?

After breakfast we go outside to enjoy some sun and the pool with the rest of the family.

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