chapter 4: day 3 so this is normal?

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hey! hello! hi! holy cow! I haven't updated in like two years! im so sorry I began this book freshman year and now im a junior!!! im sooooo sorry I just forgot about this book, but im here now! PS: I never ended up getting a laptop STILL! anyways I read my chapters to regain some memory where id left off and It came to me that i have made jades feelings toward Bret a little too fast, so ill slow that down but anyways here's chapter number four!

 chapter 4: so is this normal?

As I drove home from my, very confusing, confrontation with Bret I pondered how on earth am I going to make it these next four weeks with "him". I shivered at the thought of him. I mean Bret is so. he's sooo, ugh! confusing. you cant live with him and he doesn't know that there isn't a "I' in team, and with "I' being me. I wonder how he hasn't even failed any class yet, or better dropped out. maybe the teachers don't want to have him next year so they just pass him and hand them over to a new teacher so they can deal with them. yeah that's got to be it! he isn't so smart, he's got nothing on me! im the class president for gosh sake! he can physically over power me but he can mentally power me. brains over beauty. any day! I smile at the thought of my new plan, he wont see what's coming, this might change the game forever.

I wake up bright and early ready to dominate, boys are so easy to mess with. boys, men, guys are all like dogs they will do anything for a little piece of meat.

I hop downstairs wearing a quite reveling outfit that im not very proud of, but its all in the plan. I take my last step and walk into the kitchen, like everyday my dad is sitting at the kitchen table reading the daily gossip that comes from our local newspaper. I pass my dad with him not even looking up once. I put some toast into the toaster and stand there waiting to butter the fresh hot toast. "umm hi dad". my dad takes a sip of coffee while putting down the paper. once he sees me in full view coffee/ spit goes everywhere. "ahh shit" my dad puts the coffee mug on the table and starts rubbing his newly wet dress shirt. "oh dad" I rush over to him. "you have to dab not rub". helping my dad clean up he stops and looks at me. "are you rebelling because im never home and don't spend enough time with you?" putting my head down and lightly shaking my head left to right. "oh god no dad, its umm, its just for school I have a school meeting with the students about what is unacceptable to wear at school". I have a smile on my face, you know that's a pretty good lie. my dad seems pretty convinced "oh okay have fun at school, and don't drive the boys crazy, I have to go upstairs and change". as his footsteps up the stairs become quitter and quitter. I smell something that's burning. "CRAP" I run to the toaster and unplug the toaster with the burnt toast popping up right after "no, no, no, no". picking up the uneatable bread I toss it in the trash. I don't have time to make something else so I grab my long tan pea coat and im out the door. I turn into the school parking lot and found my spot has been taken by a black familiar motorcycle. I huff and find another spot that hasn't already been stolen.

grabbing my purse and keys I then walk into school. no one notices my outfit cause its been covered by my coat.  everyday like always Ashley clicks arms with me but suddenly stops and pushes my body away from her so she can look at me. "what are you wearing?" looking at me up and down with disgust. uh umm I cant tell her the truth, I try to think of a second lie today. "um Im just really cold, that's all". still standing there Ashley just blinks and shakes her head and grabs my arm and leads me to class. "okay.......I don't want to know and I don't care, its to early to ask questions". we walk into class and sit down. 10 minutes into the first period its time to put my plan into action. I rise my hand. "yes jade?" I can feel 26 pair of eyes glued to me. "um can I go to the office?" I look at Ashley and she has a hint of confusion on her face, she mouths the words "what are you doing". "right away" I look back up toward the classroom with Mr. welms is pointing at the door. I grab my things and run to my locker, I open it in a panic my heart is now racing like crazy. I close my locker with the sound bouncing off the tile flooring leaving the hallways to carry the sound of a slam. okay I think 'where would Bret be'. as I pass the gym I hear the bouncing of a basketball and see a dark figure running around with it making trick shots. as I stare into the window, its reveled that the once unknown figure is Bret. I open the gym door and walk inside the poorly light room. he doesn't notice anyone is with him until the hollow room is filled with the echo of a loud dang coming from the door. he stops dribbling the ball and turns around, his face turns into a shocked looked and walks to the other side of the gym toward me. "what are you doing here?" and take a step closer "I can ask the same question". he stops and switches his stance to putting his main weight on his left foot. "I do this every first period". this conversation is going no where and I need to finish my plan before someone discovers that im not actually in the office. I walk right up to him and press my chest into his. he looks down at me with a smirk on his face. "what are you doi-" I put my pointer finger on his lips stopping him in mid sentence "shhhh, listen im going to cut to the chase". I unbutton my pea coat and drop it on the floor reveling my sluttly outfit showing all the right areas. "I know you want me, and you know I want you so how about we both treat ourselves and give our bodies with what they've been craving for, meet me in room 304 after school and we can forget about cleaning for today'. I bend down and pick up my coat in turning to quickly leave but im stopped Bret grabs my arm and pulls me back into his warm embrace, he leans in and puts his lips closely on my ears "im looking forward to it". I look up at him with his eyes covered in lust. I jerk my arm toward the door and he willingly lets go. I walk in the forward direction while putting my coat back on. before exiting the gym I turn back around and see him picking back up the basketball continuing with what he was doing 10 minutes before. 

the last bell rings and I run to room 304 what Bret doesn't know is that I scheduled a leadership meeting after school. Today is perfect for Bret to show up because we are learning about how to be a team player and with working in pairs there needs to be a 50, 50 relationship. As me and the members in the committee put the chairs in the circle and get ready for 'the special quest'. questions are piling up like "who is it" "when are they coming?" we hear the door knob starting to twist. "shh everyone get in your seats". I run behind the door so when he walks inside I can shut the door and lock it behind him. the door opens and I see the back of his body make way into the room, I quickly shut the door causing him to turn around. "what the hell is this?" I putt my hands behind my back and walk closer towards him "well I was thinking you can be apart of this meeting today". before he can try to walk out the door I grab his shoulders and take him toward his seat. "what is HE doing here?" all the members huff and question. my face is painted with a fake smile "you guys this is our special quest, Bret". Bret slides down in the chair and folds his arms. "yeah, but what is HE doing here?" another member speaks up "what does he know about being a leader?" all the members agree with a "yeaahh".  "well that's why he's here we are doing to teach him how to be a leader". I make my way toward my chair and sit down. everyone looks at me including Bret. "okay who wants to go first and give Bret some input on the duties on being a leader?" everyone looks at each other wishing for one person to speak up. Mark huffs "why should we he doesn't listen to anyone and he only cares about himself". again everyone agrees. "yeah, its completely useless. I thought you said there was going to be a special quest, there's nothing special about him". Bret gets up and kicks the chair. "YOU KNOW WHAT? THIS IS COMPETELY UESLESS IM DONE". He walks toward the door "WAIT". I yell he turns around and I run to the door which is already open from him busting it. As I begin to speak he stops me "Im done, you can take your little tricks, cause im done". With that he walks down the hall. I just stand there stocked Jessica comes up behind me and says " so this is normal?".

well my plan just back fired.


okay!!! that's chapter 4! sorry for the wait!!!!! i think im into this story now more than ever!!!! and omg!!! over 2,000 reads! that's crazy!!!! please tell your friends about this story cause its back!!!! and im thinking on changing the characters. now that im thinking about it i am, next chapter im going to change it so before i make chapter 5 please give me people you think will be good to play jade, Bret and Ashley!!! anyways! thank you for reading and please tell me if you liked it or not! vote, comment and read!

xoxo- gossip girl  jk taylor

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