chapter 3: day 2 what have i done?

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Hello Hello Hello!

Thanks so much so far! Hopefully soon this story picks up!?

Maybe? I don’t know, but hopefully you guys are already a fan! And sorry for the wait, this week has been crazy for me, and after Christmas I will be updating a lot faster…because I’m getting a new laptop!! (Yay!) My old one is broken and I’m using the family computer at the moment! And a little heads up, this chapter might suck, I haven’t really gave it great thought so right now I’m just going to Wang chug this! So I hope this chapter floats your boat! Thanks again!! Love you all!

Xoxo -Taylor!

Chapter 3: day 2 what have I done?

Yesterday….wow I can honestly say I had fun, who knew I would like a bad boy. And this is all crazy for me, because I don’t even know much about this boy.

Hopefully he feels the same way about me, he did lead in when I was leading in right? Well who knows ill find out today after school. Maybe if we were to date, it could be like a secret and no one will have to know, like look at each other in the halls and no one would know what those looks meant, and the only people to know was us. Late nights he could sneak into my room, but there wouldn’t be much sneaking because my dad’s always away and my mom pasted, but he would just lay on my bed in the dark and he could tell me all about his childhood (A/N: I’ve always wanted to do that) it would be a love story! Just another good girl bad boy love story, our story.

I popped out of my daydream realizing how crazy I must sound, but it’s okay THIS IS ONLY in my head, no one could hear my thoughts…..unless there was in Edward Cullen inside my classroom and would be hearing my thought process….awkward. but never the less I slip out of my chair only to slam into some rock hard body, I knew I should never take the seat next to the door, but it is a good seat to just sneak out of class if I wanted to, whoa see I’m already thinking like a bad girl, maybe Bret is rubbing off on me;)

I look up to stop my thinking and find out who I ran into, but when I looked up I seen no one…. I turned about to only see the back of Bret’s head…no Bret bumped into me, he didn’t say anything to me, nor did he even wait for me to talk to him, he swiftly moved around people in the classroom and chose a seat near the back, after putting his backpack down, he looked up only to make eye contact to me, I stared right inside his brown eyes, I got the feeling of discomfort. Soon I seen his upper lip quiver in distaste, confused at what he meant I turned around, making my way towards my next class, my mind racing with questions, and my heart burning for the answers.

Whiling walking down the crowded hallway, I felt a light jab on my left arm. Not wanting to look up from the ground I continued walking. I head-butted someone and that someone had a hard head. Ouch!   Looking up wanting to see a person in the same pain was, but to my disliking they weren’t, the person was perfectly fine…. Grunting, I grabbed my head to stop the ache, “what do you want Ashley?” Ashley huffed at me, pouting her lips “I didn’t crash into that hard did I?” frowning, at the fact that I didn’t get an answer I ask again “what do you want Ashley?” ignoring the question again she proceeds to walk with me sense we have the same class together “so I heard from the debate committee you were seen having some fun with Bret” I stop and look at her with deer eyes, she exchanges looks with her eyebrows waving up and down, “no it’s not what it looks like”.

Her face is showing that she isn’t going to believe everything that comes out of my mouth “then what was it really”. I don’t want to tell her, but I know she’s going to bug me all day about it if I don’t tell her “well, I got in trouble…” she cuts me off “WHAT! Jade little miss perfect got in trouble!!” throwing my hand on her mouth and shushing her to be quite “no, you see I got blamed for something I didn’t do, so Mr. Alderton made Bret and I, clean up after school”. Shaking her head in disapproval “Jade, the thing you NEED to clean up are his sexy dirty bad boy abs that he has”. I can’t believe this girl! “Haha, come on we are going to be late for class”. We are now the only ones down the hall; we interlock our arms and walk to class, side by side.

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