His Father's Eyes

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The Christmas holiday was ascending rapidly upon Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and with each day Albus Severus Potter was becoming increasingly sullen.

As much as he cared for his mother and siblings, he openly resented his father, the famous 'Boy Who Lived' who defeated the equally infamous Lord Voldemort, or Tom Marvolo Riddle, as was his true name,  at The Battle of Hogwarts.

Because of this, not only Albus's father, but their entire family was constantly in the limelight by default. It irked him to no end.

It was no surprise that, despite saying that Hogwarts houses don't really matter all that much, when his father learnt of his sorting, he was a bit disappointed that his youngest son, the spitting image of himself - named after "the two bravest wizards [Harry] had even known," - was undoubtedly a Slytherin. This gave Albus quite a lot of satisfaction, not following in his high and mighty father's footsteps. 

Footsteps echoing in the common room jarred him from his thoughts. Albus looked up to see his best friend Scorpius, the son of his father's former rival, approaching.

"I brought you some hot cocoa, and I just got an owl from my mum. She's invited you to spend the winter holiday with us!" Scorpius exclaimed excitedly, thrusting both the letter and the cocoa towards his friend. "Isn't that brilliant?"

"What about your dad? I thought he hated my father. Besides, I don't think dad would allow it... Mum might, though." Albus muttered before taking a contemplative sip of his beverage.

Scorpius considered this. "Well, I don't think dad knows it's you specifically, and you could just tell your parents you'll be staying here at Hogwarts for Christmas, but in reality stay with me at my home."

Albus looked up at his friend, beaming. "You're a bloody genius."
Scorpius just smiled and said, "I know."


And so, upon sending an owl to Albus's parents, vaguely explaining the situation at the very last minute, the two young boys travelled to the prestigious and slightly infamous Malfoy Manner, the place that the Malfoy clan had resided for centuries.

Upon entering, a house elf named Marbie, (who was treated much better than all of the previous house elves thanks to Hermione Granger's work in the S.P.E.W organisation that she started when she was a student), bowed to the "young master" and his guest, took their coats and scarves, and ushered them into the parlour where Scorpius's mother Astoria was waiting for them.

"Scorpio, my precious boy, welcome home!" She stood, stumbled slightly, then embraced her son warmly. She then took notice of Albus, smiling gently at him.

"You must be Albus. I'm so glad Scorpius has found such a wonderful friend. Remember that you will always be welcome in our home." She touched his hand softly.

Albus managed to stutter, "T-thank you ma'am, I'll... I'll keep that in mind." He flushed slightly. Astoria Malfoy then turned to her son and embraced him once more and kissed the top of his head, before leaving them to go rest.

Scorpius blushed. "Sorry about mum, she's... She's ill, so she gives as much affection as she can manage..." He ran a hand through his hair in an absentminded manner.

Albus shook his head slightly and smiled at his friend. "You don't need to apologise for her, it's perfectly fine."

The two boys shared a look of kinship, then burst out laughing at their own seriousness.

"C'mon mate, dad should be in his study. You should meet him, since you've already met mum and Marbie. There are a few more house elves, but Marbie is the sweetest. They willingly work for us, they're not forced, so you can inform your aunt about it too!" Scorpius exclaimed excitedly.

"Right. I'm sure she'll be thrilled." Albus replied drily, but followed his friend up the stairs nonetheless. He was a bit nervous about meeting the Draco Malfoy. He was his fathers' former rival, after all. Scorpius slowed his steps and gently knocked on the last door in the hallway, and upon hearing a muffled reply, opened it.

"Um, hi dad. I'm home, and I brought a friend," Scorpius practically shoved Albus through the door. "This is-"

"Albus Severus Potter." Draco said, almost sadly. "Y-yes, sir. But how did you know my name?"

Draco smiled slightly at the young boy, remembering now how years ago, he had offered his own friendship to this boy's father, how he later wished for it again, only hoping for it to be more than just friendship. Draco hoped his son didn't make the same mistakes he had.

"You have your father's eyes."

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