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  • Dedicated to Louis Tomlinson

*Harry's POV*

When we finally got to the mivie theatre, we had set down a list of rules that Louis had to go by, or otherwise he would get caught. 

1. ALWAYS wear a beanie in public.

2. Let Harry do all the talking.

3. If anybody asked, Louis was mute.

4. I we saw anybody Harry knew in public, Louis was a cousin from Doncaster, who he has just got to meet this weekend.

5. We always have to sit in the back of public places, just to be safe.

6. Louis couldn't wear my clothes for very long, people would get suspicious of why we were wearing the same clothes.

7. If Louis did slip up and speak in the third person, run for your life and hide in Harry's flat until they could pack all of their things, and move to an isolated place in Canada.

Okay, so they we just joking around about the last one. But i we did need to, at least we have a good plan.

When we got in, we decided to watch a scary movie. Louis did not like them, but I said I was there to protect him. He hesitated, but gave up to me. Seems like all he wants to do is whatever I want to do.

"Hazzy, Louis wants to know if Louis and Hazzy can get popcorn?"

"Hazzy?" I chuckled lightly.

"Sorry Harry, Louis promises it was an acc-"

"No, I like it."

"OK then, Hazzy."

"Well, I guess we could get some popcorn if you want."


"SHH, Louis! Public remember? Be quiet."

"Ok." He whispered quietly.

We got a large popcorn, and two cokes. When we got into the movie theatre, we sat up in the very back seat and in the middle so we could see the movie well. 

Five minutes after the movie had started, Louis was already shaking like a cold puppy in the rain.

Well, Kitten, I guess.

I silently laughed at my own pathetic joke. God, I need help.

Half way through the movie, Louis jumped off his seat and into my lap. I had NO idea how he was able to jump that high, but whatever. He was warm and I was pretty cold. He was shaking so bad i swear he was a bomb and was aboput to go off. I cuddled him close and whispered soothing words in attempt to calm him down. The screams in the background didn't help much tthough.

It was another hour before we got out. By that time, Louis was clinging on to me for dear life, saying that outside there was demons like in the movie that would come and get him and his Harry.

I blushed a little when he said "His Harry". I took him into the bathroom and calmed him down in there, so we weren't embarassed in front of all the people in the theatre lobby. It took a lot of coaxing and calm words to even get him outside, into the dark. He was still holding onto my arm for dear life, but at least  he would move.

It wasn't that late, so I decided to take him shopping to buy him some clothes to wear. The ones that he was wearing were a little too baggy, since I was clearly bigger than him. 

I toom him to the nearest mall, and led him to all the stores that I went to. Areopostale, Converse, stores like that. He got more apirs of shoes than anything, insisting that he have almost every color in Vans and TOMS that were there. He got shirts with bands' names on them, saying he had to be like "His Harry". I do have to admit, I have a TON of band shirts.

We were eating dinner in the food court of the mall, when suddenly the last thing that they wanted to happen, did.

"Hey, Harry! Who's your friend?"




Well, I know at least. Haha.

Maybe, more charcters? Or maybe even...


I am sorry if I call him Mr. Brown, then I call him Dr. Broen, just consider him as both.

Lucky guy, eh?


You'll find out who he is later. I promise.

Well, y'all have a good time whereever ya are.

By the wway, could you guys comment where you ae from? I want to know where all my lovely peaches are from.

Ok, goodbye now! Later Peaches.

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