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Yuri waited in the lobby after what sounded like the man finishing their conversation, though at the same time it felt wrong to have left Viktor upstairs. Yuri rocked back onto the balls of his feet, anxiety plaguing him. He didn't know what to do and it terrified him.

An ambulance pulled in to a stop out front of the hotel and a team of three came rushing in with a gurney, two with the gurney and the third looking around until she met Yuri's eyes. Yuri ran over, gripping at the woman's arm, but as he opened his mouth, she spoke first. And to his surprise, she was speaking Japanese.

"What happened?" She asked, her hazel eyes staring intently into Yuri's. "Please, you must take us to him, do you understand?" She added when he didn't speak. His eye's widened and he nodded, looking from the EMTs with the gurney to her and back.

"C... Come with me.." He said, resisting the urge to full on sprint back to the hotel room.


Yuri stayed behind when they took Viktor away to the hospital, they had no one to watch Makkachin after all, and Yuri knew he couldn't take the poor pup to see how Viktor is. They both would have to wait here together.

Makkachin whined, sitting in front of the bathroom door as Yuri found himself cleaning up the mess. There wasn't a lot of blood, but to Yuri, the small amount that was on the tile was too much. Tears slid down his cheeks, he was worried, so worried that his heart was aching.

"I shouldn't have fallen asleep.." He whispered to himself as he finished cleaning up. He knew he didn't have to do that, the hotel staff could have, but they already get enough trouble from other people and Yuri didn't want another stranger in this room.

Shutting the bathroom door behind him, he sighed, leaning his head back against the door as he stared at the ceiling. "Deep breaths, Yuri." He murmured as Makkachin lifted up her head from the floor to look at him, whimpering. Yuri found himself unable to look at her, as if it was his fault her owner was in the hospital right then.

Yuri went to lay down on the bed, sprawled out on his back as he tried to calm down. To his surprise, Makkachin hopped up on the bed and rested her head on his chest. He stroked her fur, closing his eyes as he slowly relaxed, though never completely.


The EMTs managed to wake Viktor, completely on accident anyway. But Viktor just looked up at them through his lashes, his eyes half closed and his lips parted.

"Where's Yuri..?" He had groaned as he reached out with his bad arm, cringing and retracting it immediately, then making an attempt to lean up on his good arm before the EMTs coaxed him to lay back down. Viktor wasn't sure what was going on, wasn't he just taking a shower? He felt dizzy. He felt sick.

"Sir.." the woman who spoke to Yuri earlier reached out and lightly touched his shoulder. "Do you understand English?" She spoke, an odd look on her face as if she thought she knew who he was, but wasn't able to place him. Viktor just groaned, the flashing ambulance lights outside the window hurt his head.

"Where's my Yuri..?" He whispered in Russian, his voice slurred.

"He's back at your hotel room, now relax, we're almost at the hospital.." Though she didn't speak Russian, Yuri did tell her his name so she recognized the sound of his name on Viktor's lips. Her voice fades as she noticed the tear streaming down Viktor's cheek.

"Dammit.. We just got here.." He covered his eyes with his hand on his good arm, furious with himself. He wanted to throw up, but maybe that was from breaking his arm. He wasn't sure.


The next morning Yuri bolted upright out of bed, his heart pounding and a confused Makkachin beside him. He wasn't sure what woke him up until he heard it again, knocking at the door.

Yuri groaned and rubbed his face with his hand as he got up and walked towards the door, accidentally kicking his glasses as he passed the bathroom. He picked them up, putting them on as he opened the door, the chain lock keeping it from opening far.

"Yuri.. it's me, please open the door." The two men made eye contact through the opening. It was Viktor; looking exhausted as he stood outside the door in a black jacket, a white t-shirt, dark jeans, and sneakers. It looked oddly casual on him. Yuri's gaze flicked over to the cast on Viktor's right arm, a cold feeling spreading in his chest as he opened the door. He was so sleepy, the whole thing didn't seem to process yet in his mind.

Viktor enveloped Yuri in a one armed hug before the door had even started to shut, and was holding the younger man close.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Viktor whispered, as if falling in the shower and having to get driven to the hospital was his fault or that he'd done it on purpose. Yuri wrapped his arms around the older man, his heart fluttering in that happy way it did every time they got close like this.

"...What did the doctors say?" Yuri mumbled, his voice muffled in the shoulder of Viktor's jacket.

"No head injuries since my arm took the brunt of the fall, the cut wasn't deep and didn't need many stitches. They said I was lucky, it could have ended up a lot worse."

"That's a relief.." Yuri let go of the breath he didn't even realize he was holding. "I- Wait, Viktor where did you get these clothes?" Yuri pulled away at the sound of someone snickering at their front door. Viktor let out the tiniest of sighs.

"A king must take care of his subjects. Even I am no exception."

To Never Retire - A Yuri!!! On Ice FicWhere stories live. Discover now