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It began to snow, but Yuri didn't pull away. He wrapped his arms around Viktor's neck, his gloved fingers gently playing with the tips of Viktor's hair. The older man inhaled sharply, surprised when Yuri pushed him back against the fence.

Viktor wrapped his bad arm around Yuri's waist, his other hand cupping the skater's cheek, his thumb grazing Yuri's cheekbone.

Yuri kissed him harder, running his tongue over Viktor's lower lip. The other man moaned softly, though the sound seemed to wake Yuri up and he let up on the kiss.

Viktor's face was flushed, his hair tousled from Yuri's fingers. His heart was fluttering in his chest, he felt light on his feet. Yuri on the other hand, was embarrassed, he'd become incredibly aware of Viktor's hand at his lower back.

"I-I.." he tried, his eyes on Viktor's lips, which were parted slightly. The snowflakes were landing in his silvery hair, the moonlight giving them a gentle sparkle. He looked... perfect.

"Yuri.." His voice was low, lower than Yuri ever thought he'd heard it before. Viktor leaned in, resting his forehead against Yuri's as he parted the younger man's lips with his thumb and looked up at him through his lashes. "I'm in love with you."

Yuri was thankful for the darkness, his face was hot, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. He moved a hand to the side of Viktor's neck, using his thumb to trace the other man's jawline. "I... I'm in love with you too..." he admitted, though he wasn't sure if he was loud enough for Viktor to even hear him over his heartbeat.

There was a flash of white light.

"I got it!" Cried a woman's voice. "Oh my god I got it!" Yuri pulled away from Viktor so fast that he stumbled back, falling onto his butt on the snow. Viktor found the source of the voice, a woman who was staring at her camera, trying to hide behind a tree.

"Paparazzi? Seriously?" He snapped, quickly striding over towards her, but she noticed him and took off running. Viktor ran after.

"V-Viktor wait!" Yuri tried getting to his feet, but slipped and banged his knee painfully off the pavement. He hissed, forcing himself to get to his feet and running off in the direction Viktor had gone. He could make out the sight of the other man's jacket billowing out behind him as he got further and further away.

After a few minutes, he lost him.

"Viktor!" Yuri called out, using his hands in an attempt to amplify his voice. He raked his fingers through his hair as he looked around. He didn't know where he was now. There were paths, a street, and some trees. Maybe Viktor was down an alleyway? Yuri reached into his pocket for his phone. Then into his other pocket. Then into his jacket pockets. "O-Oh no... it's gone..."

The streets were empty, it was starting to snow harder now. It was just Yuri, on his own, standing alone, lit up by a street lamp.

"What am I supposed to do now..?" He whispered, hugging his arms to his chest.


Viktor groaned, the photographer had vanished. He ran after her for nothing. He slipped his hands into his pockets, he couldn't imagine what that girl was going to have written about him now.

"Damn.." He swore softly, pulling up his scarf to cover his mouth and nose. "Time to get back to Yuri I guess..." he muttered, turning around and jogging back to where he'd left Yuri behind, feeling somewhat like a kicked puppy.

It didn't take too long, it was about a six minute jog, but Yuri wasn't there. "Eh?" Viktor's eyes widened as he looked around. "Yuri!" He called out, slowing his jog to a simple walk. "Yuri where'd you go?"

Bunching up his lips to one side, Viktor rocked back on his heels. Thinking for a moment, then pulling out his phone and just dialing Yuri's number. It rang once, twice, three times.. then he heard it. 'History Maker,' Yuri's ringtone. Muffled, but it was definitely his. Viktor felt cold all of a sudden and dropped to his knees, digging out the phone from the snow.

"Blue case.. poodles.. Yuri.." It felt like a hand was squeezing Viktor's heart and he got up, gripping tight at Yuri's phone. "Yuri! Yuri where are you?!"

How do you look for a lost person in a foreign country? Viktor had no idea, he felt dizzy. Was this what it felt like to panic?

"YURI!" He cried out, taking slow breaths to keep from hyperventilating. Viktor began walking towards where he'd chased after the girl before. It took him a moment to think clearly through his panic, but he noticed the third set of footprints that had to belong to Yuri. Following them for a while, he ended up at a street in a completely different direction than he'd run it after that girl.
"He ran after me... but why did he end up here..?" He looked around, wondering if Yuri was still in the area. "Yuri!" He called out, feeling a smidge of hope, but also dread. "Yuri where are you?!" There were no more footprints, either the snowfall hid them, or Yuri hadn't come this way. Where did he go?

"Yuri! Please answer me!"


"Damn it's cold." Yuri muttered, pulling up his hood. His fingers absentmindedly played with his wallet in his pocket, at least he could find a place to warm up so he didn't freeze to death. What do people usually do when they're lost? Call for help, google where they are, hitchhike, ask the locals...

None of that was helpful.

Yuri trudged on through the snow, the wind whipping the icy flakes at his back. Up ahead though, lights in a building cut through the snow. There was the sound of laughter, Yuri felt energized enough to break into an awkward run for the place, not realizing until he got there that he was sprinting into a bar.

To Never Retire - A Yuri!!! On Ice FicWhere stories live. Discover now