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'What do I fear?'

"Dad? Dad!"

'Not the dark.'

"Mom! Where's dad?"

'Not getting lost.'

"...Mom? Why're you crying?"

'Not dying.'

"What do you mean... he left?"

"Yuri!" Viktor screamed, waking himself up from a nightmare in the middle of the night. He sat up quickly in bed, his shirt clinging to him in a cold sweat. He was alone in the room, not even Makkachin was by his side. He looked around, noticing the shadow of someone standing outside the room's door.

Doing some breathing exercises, Viktor calmed himself as he got out of bed. He took off his current shirt and was in the process of pulling on a new one as he heard voices out in the hall.

"Really? A bar? I never thought he'd- well no, he doesn't really drink." It was Chris, it sounded like he was on the phone. "Can I talk to h- no, no, I can hear him. Please make him sit down and put his shirt back on. We'll be on our way shortly to take him home. Thank you so much."

It really didn't take him long to realize that Chris was talking about Yuri. He felt a pang of jealousy even, that Yuri was at a bar, showing people how crazy he gets. That feeling though, and his hope that Yuri wouldn't do anything stupid before they got him, were buried under his relief. He was making an effort to believe that his love was alright, and at this moment, it was confirmed. Sighing softly, Viktor stood, glancing in a mirror as he pulled on his shoes, jacket, and scarf. Yuri was okay. Drunk, but okay.

When Chris came back into the room after hanging up the phone, he was covered in a thin layer of snow from being outside. Even Makkachin too, who was on a leash, was snowy. "Oh, you're awake." Chris spoke in surprise as he closed the door behind him. "I was just about to come get you. You got a call from some young bartender not far from where I ran into you." He was cleaning off his glasses again as Makkachin yawned and laid on the floor, not caring about her leash. "She has Yuri with her, says he ran into her bar and they accidentally broke his glasses."

"Let's go get him, then." Viktor replied, tying on his boots. He wanted to hurry this up, he couldn't wait anymore. Too much had gone wrong this vacation and they didn't have much time left together. He had to make this up to Yuri somehow... The fanbase tabloids were the least of his concerns. Though in the back of his mind, he couldn't help but wonder what they'd think of the photo that woman took of them by the canal.

"I just called a taxi, relax Viktor, just a bit longer and we can bring him back." Chris tried as he took the poodle's collar off, lightly massaging her neck as he did. "It's going to be here in a few minutes."

"If they're late, I'm walking to go get him myself." The older man spoke firmly. Nothing was going to stop him now. He took his phone back from Chris, reading the text the bartender sent with the address of the bar.


The bartender was trying her best meanwhile, to get Yuri to put his shirt back on. Thankfully she did, however, manage to keep him from taking off his pants, so that was a small relief. Though Yuri seemed to take her trying to get his shirt back on as some sort of a game.

"Mister- Mister, no!" She kept trying to dodge him, who was trying to get her to put on his jacket. At this point of the night, the bar was close to closing, and there were only two other patrons in the bar. One patron who was watching the two of them in amusement, and the other patron who was sleeping at his booth. "God, I hope not all of you skaters are like this! Put. On. Your. Shirt! Your friends are coming to get you- dammit!" She'd managed to get Yuri's arm in the sleeve, but when he pulled back, he stumbled over a chair leg and fell, the poor bartender tumbling on top of him.

"Mister, you're a WHOLE lot more trouble than you're worth, drunk!" She groaned, getting up off of Yuri. Tucking a curl behind her ear, she heard the bell on the front door ring. "Sorry, we're closed-" She said, getting up off the floor, but she froze, her lips parted as she saw Viktor walk in, his head held high and a blank look on his face. His sharp blue eyes scanning the bar, looking cold as ice until they settled on Yuri, and melted into a look of genuine relief.

"Yuri!" He called, hurrying over to the younger man's side. Yuri opened his eyes, looking up at Viktor as he hummed a little song.

"With a sword I wish I could cut those throats singing about love. I wish I could enclose in ice the hands that write those verses of burning passion-" Yuri sang dramatically, reaching up to cup Viktor's face in his hand.

"Alright, no more Aria for you." Viktor said, laughing as he helped his love to his feet.Yuri wrapped his tie around the back of his coach's neck, pulling him closer to kiss him passionately enough to make the bartender blush to the tips of her ears. She turned away quickly, gripping at Yuri's shirt in embarrassment. Sloppy first kisses were something she was used to seeing in the bar, but one with true meaning behind it, though one of them was drunk, was a new sight to her.

When Viktor pulled away, pure shock on his features, Yuri whined, holding him close. "Viktooooor~!" He spoke, nuzzling into the side of the taller man's neck.

"Y-Yuri... We need to get you clothed so we can head back to the hotel." He said, still somewhat surprised that Yuri had kissed him like that. Though he wanted Yuri to do it again when he was significantly less intoxicated.

With the bartender's assistance, Viktor managed to get Yuri to put on his shirt and coat, though Yuri hummed Aria: Stay Close To Me the entire time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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