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"Oi! A little too eager to drink your ass off eh?" A bartender laughed, in good nature of course, as she glanced over at Yuri from where she was wiping off a table. The bar was relatively empty, which surprised Yuri. He didn't think that even while it was snowing, that people would skip out on going to the bar on a Saturday night.

"A-Ah no, sorry! I um.. I got lost." Yuri admitted, though it was only a handful of people in the bar, he didn't like that their eyes were on him.

"You got lost?" The bartender straightened up, turning to face Yuri as she tucked the rag she used into her apron. "Oh, you're a foreigner. I guess I can't blame you then, blizzards probably aren't something you're used to huh?" She rested her hands on her hips.

The woman was young, mid twenties maybe, with long and curly purple hair. She had darker skin and Yuri wasn't sure, but he thought her eyes were grey.

"I'm used to the cold, but not so much of blizzards." He admitted, running his fingers through his hair to shake out the snow.

"Oi!" The bartender's eyes widened slightly and she nimbly hopped over the bar to grab something. Next thing Yuri knew, she covered his head in a towel and began to dry his hair herself. "You're just gonna make a mess if you do it that way! Snow melts when it's warm!" Yuri's glasses fell to the floor with a tiny 'thunk,' but the bartender didn't hear it. She stepped closer to Yuri, accidentally stepping on them with a 'crunch.'

"Oh no!" He cried, getting to his knees to pick up the broken frame. The woman backed up immediately, gasping softly.

"I... I'm so sorry!" She covered her mouth with her hands. "I didn't mean to! H-Here, why don't you have a drink, on the house?"


"Yuri!" Viktor shouted for the hundredth time. He was shivering now, his lips slowly turning blue from the cold, but he refused to go back to the hotel yet.

"You really are crazy, aren't you?" An arm slipped around Viktor's shoulders, the person's voice was both amused and worried.

"Chris..? What are you doing here?" Viktor looked over into his friend's eyes, his own confused.

"I got a message from JJ's Instagram about you in the hospital and came over as quickly as I could, though I didn't think I'd run into you before I actually got to my hotel." Viktor looked down, it was true, Chris was holding onto his luggage. Not far behind them too, was a taxi that started pulling away.

"You're too spontaneous, you know that?" Viktor let out a small laugh, then rubbed his face with his hand. "Yuri disappeared when I chased down some paparazzi.. I need to find him."

"Didn't you try calling him?"

"Of course I did! But he dropped his phone.. I have it now."

"Would he be back at the hotel?"

"No," Viktor groaned. "He doesn't know how to get there from here."

To Never Retire - A Yuri!!! On Ice FicWhere stories live. Discover now