"Expect to see this place again"

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Percy's POV

I dispersed from Thalia's Tree, evaporating as mist and powering through the air as I speeded northwards. The air around me slowly grew dry as I left Long Island behind me but the magic in the air was more powerful in the direction
I was going, it was untameable and free.

The thousands of miles distance to where I going blurred together, I quickly found myself at the end of my journey and pulled together the water particles, reappearing by the border of Alaska. I began to laugh, not the dark and slightly insane laugh that would be expected of me with the recent events that had taken place - but a happy laugh, carefree and without restriction. I swung my arms around me and span in a slow circle, inhaling the freedom.

It was sweet, the scent of pine and dewy grass littered the air and I could even smell car exhausts or the pollution of Earth. I knelt down, my hands brushing against the damp grass

I quickly jumped over the borderline into Alaska before breaking down into fits of uncontrollable laughter - my plan had worked!

Ever since Poseidon had disowned me, I technically wasn't a demigod - and only demigods were bound by fatal flaws. It meant I was free to leave, my loyalty couldn't hold me back. Of course, it now meant that there was literally zero chance that I could consume the food of the gods without burning up - I didn't really fancy becoming a medium-rare Percy.

But I was free.

No gods and no quests. Monsters would probably still hunt after me but not as much, my aura as a disowned child of the sea was warning enough to monsters, what could a god's child do that was bad enough to get them disowned?

Apparently, that was being able to do something that they couldn't.

I shrugged off my coat and tied it around my waist in a secure knot. Thankfully, the bitter bite of the cold didn't bother me here either. I tugged on the straps of my enchanted rucksack and a smile soon worked it's way onto my lips.

"I didn't expect to see this place again so quickly, but here I can't be found." I whispered to myself. The howling winds tear my words away but no one will here them, I'm alone where I stand.

But I knew I could have a life here.

A Life In The Land Beyond The Gods.

End of Book One.

Percy Jackson: Life In The Land Beyond The Gods [The Completed Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now