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'No I want to drive!' Harry argued. Louis shook his head.

'Nope, im older! Therefore, i get to drive.' Louis shot back with a victorious smile. Zayn chuckles at the two bickering.

'Ladies, ladies. You're both pretty. Can we go on now?' Zayn asked, placing a hand on each of their backs. Harry and Louis rolled their eyes at this, but Niall, Liam, and Perrie all chuckled.

'Pleeeeease Louis...for me?' Harry dragged out the please, and pouted his bottom lip; making his eyes wide for a puppy-dog face. Louis sighed, but smiled.

'Alright fine. Just because I can't resist those eyes.' Louis finally gave in.

'And because you love me?' Harry questioned; clearly teasing Louis. Louis rolled his eyes.

'That too.' Louis leaned in for a kiss, and Harry pecked him lightly, before pulling back and joining their hands.

'You two are very cute, and I get that you love eachother very much but there are some bumper cars right there, calling our names.' Zayn said, very eager to get on the bumper cars. This was the one ride that he did want to go on. Only because it didnt go upside down. Or fast. Or in the air. In othe words, it was a baby ride. The group quickly ran up the little ramp at the entrance of the bumper cars, and everyone ran to seperate cars except for Louis and Harry, who paired up.

'You're sure you dont want to let me drive?' Louis made one last attempt at taking over the wheel, but Harry shook his head. 'Alright.' Louis sighed. The cars gave a small lurch, and then they began to move. Louis pointed to the car Liam was in. He had his back turned away from them, and he was heading towards the car Perrie was in. 'Lets get him!' Louis shouted, as they advanced quickly to Liam. They hit his unsuspecting cart with a loud bang, and were sent into fits of laughter as Liam jerked forward. He turned around to look at his attackers and began to laugh. Harry turned the car around to look for the next victim. Perrie. Her cart was currently stuck in a corner, and she was turning the wheel frantically. 'Perfect.' Louis grinned, as they started towards her. They accelerated towards her side. Just as she turned her head and spotted the pair, they smashed into her, making her lurch to the side. She started laughing, along with the other two who hadnt yet stopped laughing from hitting Liam. While they were busy laughing, someone came up behind them and hit their car. They turned their heads and saw Niall laughing wickedly. The theee carts were now jammed in the corner; no one able to get out. They could only watch as Zayn, and then Liam, each came and hit the pile. Then they were all stuck. That didnt dawn on them though, because they were too busy laughing. The group laughed so hard, that they were wiping tears from the corners of their eyes. When they were finally able to calm down, the ride had stopped, so they all climbed out of their cars and left the ride.

'Well, what do you say? Should we go eat?' Liam asked the group, and they nodded.

'I thought you'd never ask.' Niall laughed, grabbing Liams arm and tugging him to a pizza place; leading the way for the group. 'Anyone got the time?' Niall shouted from the front of the group. Harry nodded, and let go of Louis's hand for a minute to adjust his watch on his wrist.

'It is currently six thirty-two.' Harry replied, latching his hand back with Louis's. 'We have about five and a half hours left here, and then we are going back to mine and Louis's to sleep in tents!' Harry grinned at this one, and Louis chuckled. 'Perrie, you staying?' Harry asked the girl, who was on Zayn's back. She shrugged.

'I'll have to see. I think my grandmum and grandad are coming over early in the morning, so I have to be there. I could be wrong though. I'll double check later.' She replied and Zayn whined. 'Oh you be quiet.' She joked, but pressed a kiss to the side of his head.

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