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'WE'RE GOING TO JUSTIN BIEBER?!' Louis shouted in anger as they arrived at the concert centre. Louis pointed at the large billboard with Justin Bieber on it. He crossed his arms and glared at Liam. 'Liam! You know I very strongly dislike that guy.' The four other boys started laughing while Louis steamed with anger. 'This isn't funny!'

'I'm sorry Louis. When I saw he was playing here, I had to get tickets. You know Niall loves him.' Liam replied in an apologetic tone and Louis rolled his eyes. 'Think of how happy Niall is.' Liam said, pulling a guilt card. Louis sighed and nodded.

'Fine you win this time. I'm only agreeing because of Niall.' Louis said, and Niall's grin spread across his face. Niall blew an imaginary kiss towards Louis and he rolled his eyes. 'Yea yea.' Louis waved his hand at Niall. 'My pick for the movie when we get back then.' Louis stated and no one disagreed. 'Alright now that that's settled, I really need to get out of this wig. It is making my head itch!' Louis scratched at the grey wig upon his head and Harry laughed.

'I feel your pain babe. My wig keeps on getting in my eyes and its so itchy.' Harry said, pushing some hair out of his eyes.

'Harry hon, you're curls are always in your eyes.'

'Yea but this is a wig, and my hair and this wig are made of different materials. This isn't soft like my hair.' Harry said and Louis nodded; silently agreeing.

'Oh my gosh! I'm so excited!' Niall shouted; scaring all of the boys. They all gave him a look and he blushed slightly. 'Sorry. Just pumped s'all.' They all began to laugh as they stepped out of the vehicle. They were all dressed in their disquises.

Louis and Harry were dressed as an old couple; Louis the girl, and Harry the man. Niall had a long brown wig on, and a handlebar moustache above his lip. He was wearing dark sunglasses and was dressed in hardcore biker gear, with a leather jacket and all. Liam looked the exact same except his wig was black. As for Zayn, he had on a bright green body suit, covering his entire body.

'Alright, i cant recognize any of you.' Liam said gesturing towards them. 'Lets head inside. Our seats arent the best sorry Niall. We have balcony seats, which is on the furthest level away from the stage.' Liam said feeling bad. Niall shook his head and smiled.

'Thats fine Liam! I'm just glad we're here.' Niall replied, patting Liams back with a reasurring grin.

'I can't believe im here. No i'm going home! I'll meet you there guys!' Louis said, as they began to walk towards the stadium. Louis quickly turned on his heel back towards the vehicle. He was quick to do this, but Harry was quicker. He quickly grabbed Louis's wrist and pulled him into his chest.

'Boobear, you're coming inside with us, and you're going to have a goodtime okay?' Harry said pressing little kisses all over Louis's face. Louis groaned but nodded.

'Fine, but i'm not going to have fun.' Louis responded and Harry shook his head.

'Now with that attitude.' Harry joked and nudged Louis's side.

'Let's just get this over with.'


'Are you having fun?!' Harry shouted to Louis over the roar of the crowd. Louis shook his head and stuck his tongue out at Harry. Harry was quick to lean in and kiss the tip of Louis tongue making Louis let out a high-pitched giggle. His eyes went wide at the sound and he clamped a hand over his mouth making Harry laugh. He kissed Louis's cheek in adoration.


'We're going to use the loo. You coming?' Harry asked Louis as people started to leave their seats.

'Nah, I'm just going to stay here and mope.' Louis replies sarcastically and Harry laughs.

'Alright we'll be back soon!' Harry calls out and Louis nods; waving him away.


'Why is this lineup so long?' Niall groaned, bouncing on his feet as they waited in line to use the bathroom. 'Agh finally!' Niall said the line progressed and Niall was able to make it into the bathroom.

'I feel bad for leaving Louis there all by himself.' Harry said glancing back to the steps they came down from their seats.

'He'll be okay for a couple minutes Harry.' Liam replied and then stepped into the bathroom as a couple guys stepped out. Niall emerged next, and Harry was about to step in until he heard someone yelling his name.

'Harry!' They called out again. Harry looked around for the source of the voice. 'HARRY!' This time the shout was louder, and clearly calling for help. Harry quickly recognized this voice as Louis's. Niall, Liam and Zayn were next to him in a second. Harry bolted to the steps that led to their seats.

'LOUIS!' Harry shouted. And then he heard a scream. A chilling, ear piercing scream. Followed by a gunshot.

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