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7 Months Later

'Okay how do I look?' Louis asked Perrie for the tenth time that night. Perrie chuckled and lightly smoothed out Louis's dress shirt.

'Very handsome.' Perrie said with a smile. Louis was about to thank her before he was interuppted by Niall.

'Mate you look fuckable. Now hurry up, Harry isn't one who likes to be kept waiting!' Niall said, not looking up from his game of Fifa. Everyone laughed, but Louis who stood there with a blush on his cheeks and a shy grin on his face. Louis looked one last time in the mirror before grabbing his car keys and slipping his shoes on.

'Alright, wish me luck!' Louis shouted before opening the door.


Louis walked to his car and stepped inside. When he closed the door, he noticed a card sitting upon the dashboard. He grinned and flipped it open.


Follow the arrows, to arrive at the destination. Can't wait! Love you.


This was scribbled in Harry's messy handwriting across the card. Louis smiled and closed the cars; turning his car on. He looked at the road in front of him, and sure enough, there was an arrow on one of the streetlights. He drove his car up to the first arrow, and took a left as directed. He continued to follow the arrows until they led him to a back, dirt road. He kept going until he was completely out of the city, and into the country. He began to worry he was in the wrong place until he saw a colorful mass, in one of the fields beside him. Louis parked his car on the side of the road and stepped out; looking at the surroundings. He squinted at the mass to see it better, and realised it was a hot air balloon. He gasped, and smiled; quickly following the arrows on the ground towards the balloon. After about a minute of walking, he spotted Harry walking towards him.

'Hey there handsome!' Harry greeted Louis with a romantic gesture of a kiss. Louis automatically melted into the kiss and smiled against Harry's lips. 'You look great!' Harry said once they had broke apart. He took Louis's hand in his and locked their fingers together. Louis's eyes widened as Harry walked them to the hot air balloon.

'We're going in that?!' Louis asked in shock. Harry chuckled and nodded. The basket of the balloon was big enough for about 4 people, so Harry and Louis would have plenty room. 'What?!' Louis shrieked. Harry wasted no time as he scopped Louis up, beneath the knees and places him in the basket. He then jumped over himself so he was inside as well. In the bottom of the basket there was a checkered picnic blanket, and a picnic basket was sitting there was well. 'A picnic in a hot air balloon!' Louis started. 'This is insane!' He shouted as he sat down on the blanket. Harry followed in suit and opened the picnic basket and took out two sandwiches as the balloon took flight.

'Peanut butter and jelly for you!' Harry said; handing Louis one of the sandwiches. Louis took it with a grin. 'And chicken ceaser for me!' Harry bit into his own sandwhich at this.

'That card and the arrows were quite cute.' Louis said once he had finished chewing. Harry smiled, and pursed his lips. Louis leaned across and kissed him lightly.

'The cards arent finished yet!' Harry said excitedly. He then dug into the basket and pulled out another card. 'I dont know what these ones say though! I got Perrie to write these for me!' Harry said and Louis laughed.

'Oh god, okay open it!' He quickly finished one half of his sandwich and took a sip of his champagne. Harry nodded, and flipped open the card.

'Alright this is what it says.' Harry cleared his throat. 'Louis, name three of your favorite things about Harry, and Harry you do the same.' Harry raised his eyebrows; waiting for Louis's answer.

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