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As I stepped into the apartment a wave of nostalgia hit me and it hit me hard. The little alcove I made for myself to read whenver I fet like picking up a book an getting lost in it.

My white 'I can't function without coffee." mug that still laid around carelessly. The black,furry blanket me and Mario used to use whenever the nights got a little too cold. We wrapped ourselves in it and let our minds wander and our mouths hang loose.

I had left for a few months,but yet this place was still filled with things hat reminded me that yes,I actually lived here and I went through this event.

And it just hurt. It hurt to see something that I thought would last forever,but yet burn down in flames. The pain that rippled through my chest the momet I stepped through the doorway.

It hurt so much,it's practically impossible to explain and put it into words.I had to take a moment and ake it all in and process it.

"Would you like to sit?' Mario's voice as foreign as a stranger. And that stinged. How could someone's voice that used to whisper sweet goodnights into my ear, the voice that used to sing in the morning to get me up for work.

I sat in the brown armchair that I still remembered getting with Mario and I just sat for a moment and let the memories wash over me.

"Okay I know that whatever I say doesn't and will never change this situation but please let me explain and lay it all out there before you start making accusations." Mario said in a one breath,with small droplets of sweat running down his face.

"I met Ciara when you introduced me to your family and she was a very sweet girl,this you know. She took my number that night and we started texting,just friendly of course seeing as she had a boyfriend back then.

Then again you know he broke up with her and seeing as I was the only guy person she trusted,she turned to me for advice and I happily gave some to her.But then onwards her attitude towards me changed and it took a turn for the romantic side.

She came to the apartment one night,when you were in Dusseldorf visitng your friends and she was crying. I comforted her and before she left,she kisssed me.

And from then onwards,this whole thing started."

I looked shocked. They had been seeing each other behind my back for nearly 2 years now?!

"So are the rumours true? Are you really going to be a dad?" I asked while nervously gulping down a lump in my throat.

He looked down at the wooden floors and sighed loudly.

"Yes,it is true Ciara is pregnant with a baby."

"When were you ever going to tell me? Or were you going to keep that a secret from me too?" I yelled standing up.

"I was going to tell you Chrystal but..."

"There are no buts in this situation! Mario Gotze,I'm offically done with you and your bullshit."

And with that I walked out of Mario Gotze's life for good.

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