2. Sicheng (Cherry blossom)

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The club lights are pink. "Miss" he calls me Miss, when I had told him a hundred times to use my name, it makes me feel old. I volunteered for this job to play his manger for four days and keep him company on his Shanghai trip to a variety show.

We had landed hours ago and because he seems stiff I invited him over to the club.

"I've never been in a club Miss," he says with a wide smile, his braces are doing their job and someone who doesn't know could never tell he wears them, hidden on the backside of the perfect teeth. What else is hidden, I wonder, when we get two bottles of finest homemade liquor at the bar. "It tastes like cherry blossoms," assures the barkeeper, when I grab the glass cups and Sicheng takes the bottles. There are couches with golden frames a little further from the crowd. The record company would hate me forever if they knew I had a crush for ages, I volunteered to get to know him, because no matter how immature and silly he is, he's beautiful.

Eyes shaped to start a fire, lips shaped to seduce, hips shaped to dance. However nature gave him the ability and flexibility to move like that, it not only did him a favor.

"What if we get drunk Miss?" he giggles.

"What's bad about it?" I ask.

"The recording for the show is tomorrow," he blushes.

"You will be a little funny, funny sells," I fill two cup and we whisper 'Cheers' before we take the first sip.

It tastes like glowing cherry blossoms, homemade always means a bit stronger than official brands.

He coughs a lot, but I drink, so he drinks too. He's a young man, he wants to prove it. He's born in late October, he lived on two continents, he's experienced in moving to new challenges in life.

I have no idea if he has ever had a girlfriend, or boys, I bet he had at least made out with Yuta, because there's no doubt he likes his band mate way too much.

"Miss I don't think we will manage two bottles," Sicheng laughs.

"I don't think it too," I look at my half filled cup.

The world seems easier, the club heats up, the more of the water like liquid disappears. He sits closer, my fingers brush his thigh, I never pretended to be that foward. He smiles shyly his eyes glitter. I fill another cup for him, one for me, he gets it down quickly I sip mine slowly, I want to remember.

We stumble and help each other up a little, what a shame, I hope no one will recognize us when we get out of the club to a cab, through the city, to the hotel with the back door, up the silver lift, he lives door to door for four nights and we stop supporting ourselves at the wall next to his.

He giggles, he slips the card in, the lock opens, we fall into the room, he needs to grab the carpet while I fall on his back. Hopefully my assistant tour manager doesn't know and sleeps peacefully.

The view is a litte strange, I see the paintings in the room hanging upside down, but Sicheng is still insanely beautiful his lips so big and fresh, so close getting closer. The wet hotness falls on my face and I feel better than ever. His lips are something, we can't glue of each other, what is the world doing behind this walls, when we turn into flames dancing together, he opens another door, we change places and he sits on the mattress of his double bed. Our breaths are deep, his lips still taste like glowing cherry blossom, there's something about the taste of his skin, it's addicting.

His hands are warm, they touch higher and lower, they move further under my clothes.

"Baby we don't even have safety," I whisper when he lifts my sweater and t-shirt.

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