3. Yuta (Endless)

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The collection of sweets on my bedside table is growing bigger. I'm the type who can burn like a flame, move from place to place, taste the adventures to crawl back into my bedroom for months and write all day, watch kpop videos and read fan fictions.

So he's ringing to the door of the wrong phase, when he's sending all the messages. He likes short flings and I'm a koala, who spends less than 1% of my time looking for Prince Charming, or just the right man. I'm lazy enough to put our meetings on delay. He says he's worth it, he say's he's pretty, I send him the ';P' emoji. Five times a day he tries to get me to bend, ten times a day he offers dinner in his flat (it's too far away - I write). The truth is I'm afraid to be all alone with a man, but I'm curious to see if he really is nice, if he looks decent.

The phone gives out a quick sound and I feel a little, just a little excited.

PrinceofJapan: Hi can I come by tonight, we can meet in the elevator and shake hands nothing more.

I hesitate, elevators are like cages, it's hard to get out, no one will hear your cries for help.

Halfburnedkitten (who could come up with a more ridiculous nickname): we'll meet downstairs and I'll decide

PrinceofJapan: deal ;) <3

I tremble, should I call my friends to come over and assist just in case.

PrinceofJapan: I'll be there in 20 minutes

Oh, what have I gotten myself into, I can always lock the door and pretend it's the wrong address.

There is so much increasing fear in me when I walk from wall to wall in the long hall, what if he will look like one of these old guys, who send pictures of someone else and pretend just to get the girl? What if he will come with some friends, break into my flat, what if he will be rude, boring, married, divorced twice... the list went on, I really never trust guys from the depths of the internet.

They get naked to quick in online conversations, mentally naked, showing off all the perverted, forbidden, darkest and most embarrassing parts of their minds and phantasies. You can lose faith in men by chatting with them online.

I reach the other wall when someone knocks at the door and I turn around. There's a boy, but it can't be him. He probably came to visit someone else, forgot the number, or is he in the wrong building. He's tall and skinny with manga shaped dark eys, big lips, brown-blonde hair, long earrings and a leather jacket.

I walk to the door, open it.

"Can I help you sir?" I ask hoping I sound nice.

"Halfburnedkitten?" he asks and my face falls.

No way, never in a million and one year is he the guy...

"Ym... yes," I stutter.

"Nice to meet you, I'm PrinceofJapan, actually my name is Yuta," he rubs his hair.

"Oh," that's it, all I can come up with.

So now he will say hi and bye, and he will leave down the pavement.

"Can I come in, at least to the hall it's chilly?" he asks, he's nervous.

"Um... sure," I say my name and he smiles.

"Nice to meet you," he walks inside, we stop in the middle of the empty space between the walls.

What that he's pretty, he still can be a serial killer, or worse, or just a bad person, I remind myself.

Yuta places his hands in his pockets, he smiles shyly.

"So it's great to meet you, I really like talking to you, you're smart," he says and I don't know what to do.

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