Jaehyun (Spring-green soft baritone) part 2

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It was awkward to watch it was inappropriate, so I returned to the room closing the door behind me, took the coat off, placed my revolver under the pillow, the other one still in the coat. I made the gas lamps' light lower then sneaked to the window looking out. It was midnight and another lantern man was hurrying down the street, probably home to get some rest... their bodies had definitely adjusted to these strange working hours, as my body was able to be in a good condition despite long hours of traveling or being awake. I still took the dress off lying down in my underwear slipping under the warm duvet, the room was rather cold, some snowflakes started to circle behind the window. The door opened so suddenly I jumped up when I saw Jaehyun stopping in the room.

"Oh, you're here, I'm so sorry," he muttered looking away.

"Have they given us the same room?" I asked.

"Looks like," he was standing with his eyes focused on the carpet.

"You can have the other side of the bed," I muttered taking a blanket wrapping myself up with it while walking towards him. The carpet was scratchy and chilly-cold underneath my bare feet.

"That's not," he whispered.

"You'd rather share it with her?" I asked so he looked up at me.

"You know it's not li... she's not... beside's it wouldn't be physically possible," he blushed hard.

"Love has no age, love has no gender, love has no borders, it hits us in the most unusual places, in the most unexpected way," I was whispering standing right in front of him.

Was I really doing it for the message.

"Who are you?" he asked moving forward his fingertips glowing on my face. "You seem to be the most dangerous creature yet the safest place."

"It's just... the circumstances," I muttered when his hot breath warmed up my face and I nearly panicked, his face was way too close.

"I had to choose in a fraction of a few seconds between following a man I have been on tour with for a moth now or a total stranger, who had just burst into my changing room. I followed you," his eyes were glowing in the dim lights.


He took a swift breath, his lips were like a flood falling over mine in the most unprepared way. His tongue parted my mouth when his hands moved on my neck pulling me closer. We definitely weren't here to make out, ok maybe the message was somewhere under the layers of his clothes, definitely somewhere there, I thought smiling into the kiss when I took his coat off, threw the bow tie through the room, his hands tearing down my back lifting my sweatshirt.

His lips falling on my neck deeper, more forward, we reached the bed and yes all the buttons of his shirt finally let go, mu fingers were gliding down his chest, he was way too hot, way too hot. He pushed me on the mattress kissing rougher when I searched the pockets of hie pants to find a handkerchief in it witch I threw away behind me. Ok means the message was in the coat, but this yes... in the morning...

The mixture of pleasure and fitness was way too much when I glanced at his body, his hair once finely styled was now sticking in all direction his gaze fierce and ready.

"Stop a little there handsome, we don't need any unpleasant consequences of the night," I whispered when he started to pull my panties down between his teeth.

"How do you expect me?" he asked his breath short when he was placing quick sloppy kisses in the insides of my thighs.

"Think harder," I raised my brow.

He became red when he took the shirt off throwing it off the bed.

Even in this grey light his body was something.

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