7. Taeyong (Stars)

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They call it 'The Hole', but it could be also called 'the whore', a hotel, let's say a placy offering rooms, for everyone who has something to hide. The place is unable to be tracked, if someone doesn't tell you where to find it, you'll never get here, into the gloomy corridors filled with dim yellow lights, into the building surrounded by darkness so pitch black there's a miracle you can find your way back to the space ship.

The carpet seems to be red but maybe it's really dirty-brown, the flowery tapestry so dusted no one can ever guess it's primal color. The reception is hidden inside thes labyrinth of narrow passageways, but finally it opens. The man who could be a  human, but his watery eyes give out that he's from the local race, looks up at me. He never asks questions, he just simply gives you the key, takes the key in the morning, that's it. The light reflects off his completely bald head and I catch the strange and a little sick glances from the two other males, whatever they are, both waiting on the uncomfortable chairs in the hall.

They probably wish I came to spend the night with one of them, but the receptionist knows me so he ignores  them.

"The regular room, he has the key," he mutters and I nod.

Why am I here in the first place? Why do I risk it all, my reputation, the trust of my fiends, my life? The's no answer to it, I wish the reason would be just desire, when I walk down the corridor, while my heartbeat is raising, my breath unsteady, I try my best to get a poker face on. To fake it's just a scary game, to never let him see how much her affects me.

He's a bad person and I'm even worse for being nice to him. The room is closer and I stop abruptly too shocked to discover a figure waiting next to the door. My breath stops for a second, and I swallow, raise my head higher, steady my walk on this unstable high heels, but step by step I'm closer.

Have I missed him, I really hope the answer is no, when his dark eyes fall on my face. Plying cool next to someone so difficult, someone so scary, someone so hot in his rudeness, is it even possible.

"You're late," he smiles.

"You're early," I steady my voice.

We're the same hight when I wear high hells so his eyes are right there, burning, glittering.

"I guess I missed you," he says in a cheeky way.

"Really?" I raise my brow.

My skin is on fire, but I wait for him to make the first move, and he's just teasing me.

I knew he had better things to do, like lives and planets to destroy, than missing me.

He smiles to himself and waits, the walls seem to vibrate, the old tapestry could easily scream by now begging him to simply "Touch it".

"How's work?" he asks.

"Bad you're still out here and not locked up," I say seriously.

The world would be better, safe from him.

"I'm glad," he smiles again and I hate myself for being too weak to simply press the gun to his head and shoot him to end this peril once and forever.

"So you missed me?" he raises one brow underneath the dark fringe.

"No," I say trying to sound cold.

He nodes and his hands reach out towards me, fingertips brush up my arm along the sleeve of the coat causing eruptions inside me.

"I still can make you miss me," he whispers his voice low.

His second hand lands on my waist and I stumble on the heels when he pulls me closer. So mean - I think when I support myself on his chest to not to fall.

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