Intermission Two: The Discovery

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We get George and start heading over to the supposed warehouse this is gonna be going down at. What I don't know, is what exactly we're gonna find there, nor what our course of action will be once we're there.

As we're walking, some fucker bumps into me.

"What the fuck, watch where you're going."

The one who bumped into me straggles and almost falls over, obviously was in a rush to go somewhere.

"Bien, Bien. That wasn't all bad, actually. At least I bumped into a man of great beauty."

"Who are you?"

"I go by Triple A, but, you can just call me Alexander."

"Listen here you French fuck, I don't have time for this, now go away before I blow your brains in the middle of the fucking street."

Alexander looks very excited all of a sudden, sick fuck. He walks away with a big smile on his face.

We continue walking, and none of them talk about that guy. I think we all silently agreed to just forget about him.

George stops us while we're walking. Shit...some of Capton's men. A car starts hauling ass towards us, and 3 of them get out and start firing.

"MotherFUCKER! GEORGE, SKIP, GET INTO COVER!" I yell, and roll away. Good thing I keep my .44 with me, still. This baby solves everything.

Skip fires and hits the one on the right. One more for him. George stays back while I fire two shots, hitting two heads. Two more for my count. As their pool of blood spreads a bit more, I decide it's best to just keep walking. Don't need to get a life sentence today.

We finally arrive at the warehouse, and there's 4 people on guard. One near the light post, one on the roof, one at the gate, and one on the other side of the gate.

"Okay, so we have to do this quietly. We can't have everyone knowing we're just barging in to see what's happening. Here's the plan. Everyone gets a suppressor to put on their .45, just in case. George, if there's anything we need a large man for, I'll call for you. Skipper, I need you to sneak around behind me, I'm not sure what else is here. I'm not trying to leave any casualties this time, however, do whatever you have to. Let's go."

They both nod in agreement, George trails behind while Skipper goes around the other side. We easily slip past the guards without any difficulty. Morons.

I peek into the warehouse through the door, opening it ever so slightly. I can see the drugs and weapons being loaded into a truck. 3....4...5 men in total loading the truck. The deal must be going on in the back. I close the door and sneak around to the back, and see some other box of stuff being traded off as well. What is that? Doesn't matter. I got the information that I needed. Capton's getting drugs and guns from the Greenfords. Fucking inbreds. Disgusting. I round up George and Skipper and start heading home. This isn't where this ends. I'm getting to the bottom of this. I will figure out what's in those mysterious boxes they're getting. As we all headed home, we gave each other a farewell and split off on our ways back. As I get home, I get out my wheat bread and make myself a turkey sandwich. I can't have cheese, I'm lactose intolerant. I'm not sure how anyone could forget that though, must be a fucking moron of some sort. Either way, I eat the sandwich and pass out. Today has given me a lot to think about.

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