chapter 32 (A/N Is very important)

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Don't panic!!!!!!!!!
The boom is NOT over yet, but do you want a sequel. If so then it will be about Leo and Blossom when they're about 17.

IF there is a sequel then should it focus on Leos life or Blossoms?

Danny's p.o.v.

When Lexi left we started the meeting again.

"So about Luke" I started.

"Who's Luke?" Noah asked.

"Luke is my brother who took over my uncles pack when he died. Him and Danny...well...lets just say they have never gotten along" Levi said.

"Well its his fault!" I said. Like a child. And I'm a dad.

"Its your fault too! Don't get me wrong he gets on my nerves too, but at least I didn't start a fist fight with him in school. In front of my girlfriend I might add" he said recalling the day Lexi and Samantha saw me get into a fight with Luke.

**Flash back**

I walk out of the lunch room to see Luke walking with Lexi. What?

"Sorry Luke I'm taken" ha! Sorry buddy that's my girl.

"Aww come on babe one date" he said with a smirk.

"Not interested buddy" she said and walked off. Well tried.

"Girly come on!" he pulled her back and boxed her into the wall. His hands on both sides of her. "I know you like me. Just admit it" he said then getting closer to her.

"I said no" she said and tried to push him off, but he wouldn't budge.

"Sorry honey ain't gonna work" I then come and put my hand on his shoulder.

"MY girlfriend said no. As in back the hell up" I pulled him back and he hit the wall.

"Danny!" she hugged me. "I wasn't gonna do anything I promise!"

"I know princess" I kiss her head and look to see Luke standing up.

He wiped some blood from his lip and looked at me. His eyes were flickering from black to green. Then they stopped at black. "Oh you're dead"  he then brushed off his shirt and came at me. He through a punch which was easy to dodge. He through another which I caught and started to crush.

He screamed in pain.

"What's going on" Levi came in through the crowed of people. "Danny stop"

I didn't listen.

"Danny!" I was pressing to hard that he was now on the ground.

"Danny" Alexis touched my shoulder. Which made me calm down. "Stop" once she says that I let go.

"Are you okay?" I instantly turn to Lexi and hug her. She nods and lets go.

"DANNY!" she points behind me and I turn only to have my face make contact with Luke's other hand.

"Damit" I said while rubbing my cheek.

"What ya got now" he said looking at me. I then stand up all the way and punch him in the nose. After that I kick the back of his knee which makes him fall to the ground and them I punch him square in the face. Now he is unconscious on the school floor.

"Danny!" I turn to see Levi. He then looks at Lexi. I turn to her and take a step closer. Them she takes one back.

"Lexi?" I reach my hand out.

"Don't you dare touch me" she says and backs away even more.

"But i-" I was interrupted by her putting a hand up to say stop.

"I don't wanna hear it Danny" she then turns and runs off.

"Lexi!" I go to run after her and I was stopped by Samantha putting her hand on my chest making me stay still.

"You've done enough" she said and ran off after her calling her name.

"Fuck!" I screamed and punched the wall.

**Flash back over**

"But like I said...HE started it. If he didn't do that to Lexi I wouldn't have done anything" I said.

"I know I know" he said with a chuckle.

"He came home and was acting all needy to our mom" he said and I laughed.

"So he was being a little bitch?" I said. Then once again....Sammy.

"For god sake people! Language" then she left.

"I swear she's everywhere" I said and pointed towards the now closed door.

"And you thought Lexi was bad" Noah said. A little nervous I might add. All I did was laugh.

"Alpha!" James, one of the guards, came in.

"What is it James?" Levi asked all serious.

"Its the prisoner"

"William?" I said with a lot of rage.

"What about him?" Noah asked.

"He's gone" he said.

Lexis p.o.v.

I arrived at the place to meet the girls at around 12:30. I saw Febe in a back booth. I rush over to her.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. I kinda got lost" I admired and took off my coat and sat it at the bottom of the stroller.

"No problem deary" I look to see Febe and a very pretty girl about my age.

"This must be your daughter" I said and extended my hand and she shook it.

"Hi I'm Olivia"

"Alexis, but everyone calls me Lexi" I then sat down and grab Blossom from her chair.

"Alexis, dear? The reason I wanted you to meet us here is because I was wondering something" Gabe stated. I then start feeding Blossom.

"Yes ma'am?" I ask.

"Are you a werewolf?" what?
He guys! Not the best chapter, but I tried. If you didn't read the top please do!

A/Q: Blossom or Leo?




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