< Chapter One >

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3rd Person POV

Alex couldn't feel anything. His whole body had gone numb, after seeing Jack explode on the small screen in front of him. His whole world had ended right then. He saw a flash of Julius Grief cackling away, before blacking out completely.


Snake POV

"We get in, we get the agent, we get out. That's all there is to it. He's been stuck with Scorpia for three weeks, and that's three weeks too long. Lord knows what's happened since then" Wolf said. I knew that the agent would be seriously injured, and I don't even know about his mental state. I was so worried, that I didn't even see Fox come in the door.

"Foxy! You decided to pay us a visit!" screamed the oh-so childish Eagle, before getting a cuff to the head from Wolf. "Hey Fox, how's it going?" I asked nonchalantly, hoping that he'd know who the agent was. The agent was supposedly the 'best' in M16, but all I was focused on was the fact that Fox was back at Breacons. Well, not for long, since he's only staying for the mission from '6.

"Snake, care to join us 'lad?" Wolf growled before getting onto the helicopter. I looked around, and realized that Fox and Eagle had gone too. "Sorry..." I mumbled, not to anyone in particular, before joining them in the helicopter. I took the back right seat with Eagle and Wolf on my left, and Fox in the front. We started flying away in silence before Ben interrupted. "Hey, Snake, don't be worried, I'm sure the agent is alright." Fox said reassuringly, as if he could feel my nerves from in front of me. "If you say so," I said skeptically. "He'll be fine, he's one of the best agents I know."

I zoned out then, as there was nothing to do but worry myself, because we would land in three hours. I didn't even hear anyone get up, but before I knew it, Wolf was yelling at me "Snake! What are you doing? Get your a** down here right now! We have to go!" And off we went.

A five mile hike, and just like that, we were at the building we were infiltrating. Normally, there would be tons of guards, but something wasn't right. We charged into the base to find nothing. Nothing at all. Then after close inspection, we found a door. "Get in, get out" Wolf reminded us. We crept down the dark, dusty hallway to find a large room with a sobbing teen in the corner. He was soaked in blood, and Wolf had called into MI6 saying that we found the agent. "Cub?" I asked, puzzled. Hadn't he been sent to BB because of his rich father? Once I noticed the blood seeping through his clothes, I whispered, "Eagle, help me bandage him up. Wolf, guard the door, Fox, help me too. He needs to stay alive." I felt a faint heartbeat at my fingertips when I pressed down on his neck, but other than that and the crying, he showed no sign of being alive. "Let's go" Wolf said, and before we knew it, we were back outside the compound. "Something doesn't seem right..." I muttered. Fox nodded. "Wolf, you carry Cub. Eagle, you get the front and me and Snake will get the back. Hurry, we don't have much time left." Fox/Ben said hurriedly. Wolf grabbed Cub, and we started moving towards the woods, where we'd wait for the helicopter to land.


Fox/Ben POV

I knew something was wrong the moment we got off of the helicopter. But I didn't know that it would be this  wrong. Once we were ten meters from the woods, things went to h**l. I heard six gunshots, all one after the other, and luckily only three made contact. Sadly, two ended up in me, and the other in Snake. I knew we just had to make it into the helicopter, so I started running at the sight of it. We didn't even try to shoot back, and the last thing I remember was getting into the helicopter, before I blacked out.


??? POV

"Agent Leroux, pleasure to see you."

"Blunt. By the way, I go by my first name."

"Alright then Ashley."

"Ash." I growled at him. Blunt was actually the bane of my existence, I could imagine him saying," Hello, I'm Blunt. I like watching paint dry and staring at walls all day." My lord if I could kill him right now, I would. But I can't. There's a reason I have to be handcuffed before I see him. It's just a 'safety measure', as he says, because I totally have not tried to kill him twice. ;) Oops! Just a little mishap by me. *smirk*

"-Breacon Beacons with K-Unit in an hour. They have just returned from a mission, and three of the five of them are injured, so it will just be you and two other members."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes. The car is actually waiting outside now."

"Will they get my file?"

"Yes. Now go."

I stomped out of the office, and got escorted to my room. Yes, I live in MI6. No, I do not have a choice. "Umm, excuse me? Can you uncuff me?" I said to the oblivious guard. "Sorry Agent Leroux, I am under strict orders to bring you to Breacons the way you are, and I'm most certainly not allowed to uncuff you." 

"Fine." I obediently walked down the hall, into the elevator, waited until we were at the 1st floor and then exited the building and got into a black suburban. Two men dressed in black came up to me and I asked for their ID's, and after I decided that they were real agents, I got into the car, but sadly was squished in-between them. I guess they read my file and saw the part about my history with SCORPIA. D*mn. 

Oh yeah, my looks. I'm 5'2" with medium length firetruck-red hair, and pale skin. I have freckles and blue/green eyes, and I really like chocolate. I was trained by SCORPIA after they killed my parents, before being "rescued" by MI6 and blackmailed to be an agent after they treated me awfully. Let me just tell you, three weeks of questioning and torture by MI6 are NOT fun, at all.


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