< Chapter Two >

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^^ Ash shown above


Dang. Out of all places I could have ended up, I just HAD to be in an army training camp. I got out of the car and was oh so kindly (hint the sarcasm) escorted to the Sargent's office. I knocked three times and someone said "enter." It was an old, maybe forty year old, with a gruff, worn down voice. I opened the door and saw a man sitting at a desk.

"You're the agent?" he questioned. "That's me." I responded with a hint of anger in my voice.

"When you are here at BB, you will respond to your superiors as 'sir' and your codename is Ant. Now go to cabin 13 (K-Unit's cabin) before I give you kitchen duty for the rest of your stay here."

I left the office, and then my irritating bodyguard/guards decided to uncuff me. I jogged over to cabin 13, and knocked three times before entering. 

"Who are you?" someone said.

"Ant, reporting for duty, sir."

"I'm Eagle, sharpshooter, and this is Wolf, our leader."

"Another teen?" Wolf grumbled.

"Yep!" I grinned evilly, and realized that he didn't seem like the friendliest of them all. "Choose a bunk. It's just us three for a while." he said angrily. I decided on the one closest to the door, but not in front of it, because it would be the best for emergencies. "Do you mind if I ask what happened to your other members?"

"Fox was shot twice, Snake once, and Cub was tortured by SCORPIA for three weeks."

At the mention of SCORPIA, I visibly paled. I hated them. They had been so awful to me, and I couldn't ever forget anything that happened then. I sat down on my bed, and tried to stop myself from having a panic attack in front of Wolf and Eagle on my first day.


Snake POV

I woke up with a groan. The familiarity of the white room and lights was probably messed up. Not like I'd been here many, many times waiting for Cub to see if he was alive... Never... OH SH*T CUB IS HE OKAY??
A doctor burst into the room and asked how I was feeling. I told him, and then asked for the medical reports of Cub and Fox, before him telling me that I hadn't been, but a bullet grazed my wrist but hadn't done any damage. He also said that I was discharged from the hospital, and could get back to full training in three days.

I asked if I could have their room numbers so I could visit, but he said that Cub was in critical condition so I could only visit Fox. He also said that I'd have to use a wheelchair to get there, because I was still on pain meds and I could 'over-exert' my body. Fox was in room 264 and I wheeled out of my room and into the elevator to go down two flights. Room 261... Room 262... Room 263... Here we go. I knocked twice just in case he was awake, but I had no such luck. I plopped myself down into a chair by his bed, and started to leaf through his medical notes. Shot in the upper-right shoulder, which went through some bone, and another bullet in his left calf. I had been sitting there for about an hour when he woke up.

"How is Cub?" He asked, his voice scratchy from just waking up. "Alive, but in critical care." I sighed. "I wonder why Wolf and Eagle aren't here..." I muttered.

"Most likely mi6 with another replacement Cub, so Eagle and Wolf have to stay with the agent."

"Rest up Fox, I'll wake you if I hear any news. You need it."

Ash/Ant POV

"Time for evals." Wolf grunted.

"Ooh! Yay we'll see if she can get under 30 minutes on the assault course!" Eagle exclaimed, now I knew that he was like a hyperactive teen.

We walked over to the course together, and Wolf said, "Try to get under 30 minutes, kid. The record is 11. My personal best is 12:32, and Eagle's is 12:57. Good luck, you'll need it."

I started jogging, and after what felt like hours, I reached the end.

"13:25. Not bad for the first time, Ant."

We then did languages, and I know English, Spanish, French, Mandarin, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Italian and German, but I'm working on Turkish. Then shooting, and I got within two centimeters of the bulls-eye every time, and I was holding myself back by a lot.

"Now combat. First you'll be against Eagle, then me, then D-Unit if you pass both of the first two. Don't hold back."

I pinned Eagle within 20 seconds, Wolf within 40 and then I had to fight D-Unit. There was Moose; the medic, Bear; the leader/combat expert, Rat; the sharpshooter, and Raven who was basically an assassin in the making/techie. They surrounded me and I heard someone say "Go!" before the fight began.

I didn't have time to evaluate them all, but I could tell that Bear was strong but slow, and Raven fast as heck. I dodged as many of the punches and kicks before losing control.

Wolf POV

Ant was holding up pretty well against D-Unit, but then a flash of fear went through her eyes, and they glazed over.

"Bear, Moose, Raven, Rat, stop right now, she's losing control." I tried to warn them, but before I could blink, Ant had taken out Rat.

"Eagle, go get help right now. We need to get them away from Ant."

Eagle ran to get the Sargent, while I was trying to hold Ant off for as long as possible. She hit me on an old bullet wound, and then kicked me hard on the left side of my head. I saw black for a moment before hitting her arm with a fierce punch, and then sweeping her legs from under her, and then I hit a pressure point on her neck before collapsing along with D-Unit.


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