< Chapter 4 >

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^ Ash's hair after Eagle cuts it (sorry couldn't find someone who looks like her)

hey I'm back (finally)

thanks so much for all of the support - love you all! we're almost at 500 reads, thats incredible wow 0_0

hope you enjoy <3

Snake POV

I was discharged from the hospital three days later, and I soon found myself sitting in front of the Sergeant waiting for further instruction.

"Snake, due to your recent incident, you will be unable to participate in multiple strenuous activities for at least three weeks. I expect you will be able to keep yourself alive, seeing as you are the team medic, but make sure to stay safe. You must come to all lectures and other meetings, as your injury will not make any difference for those. Dismissed." the Sergeant said before waving his hand towards the door.

I took that as a "Get out before I actually consider killing you" so I scrambled out of his office and made my way to the cabin. I finally came to cabin 13, and decided to knock, since an angry Wolf was not my goal. 

"Get the door Eagle" Wolf said bitterly.

"Fine. Why does it always have to be me though???" Eagle responded before opening the door. "Snakey?!? Weren't you shot?" Eagle asked confused, and I held my bandaged wrist up in response. "How have you two been?" I asked, and Wolf was about to say something when a teenage girl came into the cabin. She was staring at me and I stared back, before Wolf giving an awkward cough. "Umm this is awkward... Snakey, meet Ant. Ant, this is Snake, the medic." Eagle said finally interrupting the silence. 

"Do you mind if I ask why a teenage girl is here?" I said before Ant responded, "Yes. Yes I do. But that's classified. Why should I trust you?" and then she stormed out slamming the door behind her. "She and Cub are going to have a very good time together." I said before throwing my stuff onto my bed and trying to get some well needed sleep.

Third Person POV

"Thank god Snake's back" Wolf said, and Eagle nodded his head in agreement. Eagle responded "Yeah, I missed our little mother hen" with a wink. Their cabin door flung open, and Ant stumbled inside, limping a little. "Hey Ant, you ok?" Eagle asked, concerned, before Ant shrugged and went to sit down on her bunk. Wolf huffed in frustration, seeing as he and Ant didn't get along, and stomped out of the cabin. "Eagle?" Ant asked timidly, "Do you think you can maybe cut my hair?"

"Sure! How short? One inch? Two inches?" Eagle asked excitedly, he was quite good at cutting hair, he used to be a barber before being recruited into the SAS.

"Umm like a little bit shorter" Ant said, worried Eagle would back out after she said how short she wanted it. "Like really short. A little bit longer than yours and Wolf's please, and can you do like the up thing?" she said motioning her hands up her hair to try and explain.

"A quiff?"

"Yeah thanks" Ant said awkwardly before Eagle motioned for her to come to him. Eagle cut and cut until it was all done (pic at top) and handed Ant a mirror. "Do you like it?" he asked worriedly, and Ant responded "It's perfect, thanks Eagle." and went to her bunk and fell asleep soon after.

Did you guys like it? Sorry I just kinda thought the Eagle/Ant thing was really cute <3

See you all soon 

~ X

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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