< Chapter 3 >

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My lord, it's been a while. Sorry if this is short - I have a lot of cramming to do for my Spanish test!!

Snake POV

Fox and I caught up with everything for a while, and then a nurse came in to re-wrap Fox's injuries, and I started to read the clipboard at the bottom of his bed trying to see where the bullets had gone. "Upper left shoulder and lower left leg" Fox said, guessing what I was about to do. The nurse was about to leave but Fox said "How's the kid?" The nurse automatically knew who he was talking about and said blushing, "Oh, I'm sorry sir, I was supposed to tell you that he is okay and awake, and you can visit him in one to two days."

"Thanks" Fox and I both said, before returning to talk about his time with MI6.

Alex/Cub POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I awoke to the bright white lights and the constant beeping noise of a hospital. The walls, bed, chairs and door were all the bright white of a hospital, and it smelled strongly of antiseptic. I tried to sit up before feeling a burst of pain coming from everywhere and I rushed to press the button that called a nurse in.

"Are you okay darling?" she said after she entered. She had long, brown hair and was wearing a white outfit, what a shocker, and had a name tag saying "Kate" on it.

I tried to say "Can I have some painkillers please?" but my voice wasn't working. Kate seemed to pick up on that, and said, "Sorry darling, your vocal cords are very swollen and damaged so you might not be able to speak for a while." whilst handing me a notepad and pen. I scribbled down painkillers and underlined it three times for emphasis, before accidentally dropping the pen and passing out.

Sorry about the length - I really have to go but I hope this is good for now!! Comment any suggestions or edits!!


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