The Realization

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I am in love with Olivia Pope.

Mellie's heels clicked down the hallway to the oval office. Her husband, Fitz, is the President of the United States. This is his fourth year of his first term and he is currently running for reelection. His chance of winning was basically already sealed.

Her husband's secretary was seated at her desk outside the office door. Mellie gave her a quick nod before opening the door and walking in.

"Fitz. Cyrus. Olivia." She greeted with a smile. Her eyes never left Olivia. They started at her eyes once she entered but somehow made their way down her body as she stood there, arms crossed, weight on one hip. Mellie always appreciated Liv's style. Although Mellie herself preferred a little more color, she never left behind a chance to appreciate Olivia's clothing.

Mellie sat down on the couch next to her husband, Olivia in perfect view standing across from her.

Once upon a time, Mellie and Fitz were crazy in love. It had been years since then. Now the two of them can barely stand each other. It wasn't like they didn't care for each other, because they did. If the two of them agreed on anything it was how fiercely that they cared for the other. However, they could hardly stand being together in public let alone even share a bed.

Their actions didn't seem to make it past the American people. Everyone picked up on it. So now, they're trailing in the polls. Behind Sally Langston of all people.

"So the two of you need to at least pretend to like each other, got it?" Olivia warned.

"We love each other. It's really none of your business. I'm not even sure what this has to do with the campaign." Fitz spit.

Mellie's eye roll at Fitz's comment didn't go unnoticed by Liv.

"Fitz, everyone in America knows that the two of you can't stand each other. You don't hold hands, you don't kiss, you don't travel together. Don't think that it's gone unnoticed by the press that Mellie conveniently has to stay home with Teddy all of a sudden every time you're traveling on the road." Olivia paused to collect the right words before she continued on with her thought. "I'm going to ask you something and I need you to be completely honest... Fitz, are you having an affair?"

Mellie's eye widened as she turned to Fitz, awaiting his answer. She would only be surprised because she knew he was still in love with Olivia. She couldn't blame him for that, though.

Fitz's mouth hung open, genuinely shocked that Olivia had so openly accused him of sleeping with someone else when he was still in love with her.

The woman was unaffected by him. The two of them had their past but they were done. He had pined for her but she made it very clear that the two of them were done.

Olivia knew that Fitz was still in love with her. He hasn't left her alone since she called it all off. She was over him. Her feelings for someone else have recently surfaced and they have made it almost impossible for her to even think about anyone else.

"Liv." Fitz managed.

Olivia chuckled in almost disbelief. "Are any of us surprised there?"

Mellie even laughed at that. She and Olivia made eye contact that lasted just a little too long before Mellie broke it.

"Look, it's nothing serious. Just random women on the campaign trail. I haven't even really seen any of them more than once." He shrugged.

"For someone who's still in love with your first mistress you're getting around an awful lot." Mellie scoffed.

She was sad. Not because of Fitz. Their marriage ended long ago. But there was sadness there and she couldn't exactly pinpoint the source. She looked back to Liv wondering if she was okay.

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