I Do Want You

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Olivia worked all day. She kept herself busy with her new case.

Mellie meant a lot to her. Way more than she ever could've expected her to. But maybe it wasn't right for them.

They'd both had their experiences with Fitz. He was a monster to both of them. Olivia couldn't even begin to comprehend how Mellie could compare her to him. They were not the same.

Olivia wasn't new to sex with either gender. She's always been open to trying new things and always considered herself a sexual person. But she never believed Mellie to be incredibly sexual. It was never even an issue to Liv. She was cruel. She knows what the woman had been through.

After everyone had left the office and she was alone Liv decided to be an adult about this. She didn't want things with Mellie to end. She owned her a chance to explain.

She pulled out her cell phone and powered it on. There was only a voicemail which was left from Mellie's number so she chose to listen before dialing the older woman.

"Liv. It's me." Her words were slurred. "I can't believe you just left and didn't let me talk. What's with that? Come on." There was a sigh. "Whatever."

That was it before it ended. Olivia knew she was drunk. She knew her drunk voice.

The line rang and rang but it only went to voicemail.

"Come on Mellie." Olivia huffed. But still no answer.

After another call and still no answer Liv decided to head home and wait for Mellie to call back.

Olivia sat on her couch. Her eyes flickered constantly between the tv and her cell phone. There was still no word from Mellie. Did she really make her that angry? How long would she continue to ignore her?

Her mind raced. She was using TV to distract her but it wasn't helping. She wasn't used to being ignored. She was always the one ignoring. One more time she glanced at her phone screen.

"Screw this." She said standing up and grabbing her jacket by the door.

Liv sped to the gates of the White House. Once she parked she marched fiercely into the bedroom of her lover. "Mellie, how dare you igno...." Mid-sentence she stopped when she saw a sleeping brunette on the couch. So she slammed the door and the woman sat straight up.

"Olivia." She yelled shocked from the slam.

"You decided to get drunk and pass out I see." The woman stood in front of Mellie arms crossed.

"Well, what was I supposed to do? Sit around and wait for you to call me? To show up and slam my door? Cry to myself because you wouldn't listen to me?" She stood.

Olivia chuckled.

"What's funny Olivia?" Mellie made sure to annunciate the name.

"I didn't even do anything. You did. You basically said I was the same as that monster." She gestured toward the door.

"You did even give me a chance to explain." Mellie yelled.

"Why the hell do you think I'm here Mellie?"

Neither said anything. Mellie suddenly overwhelmed with nervousness again. She looked around and sat behind her on the couch once again. Her hands found each other in her lap.

"Well? Are you going to explain? Or was it pointless for me to come here?" Olivia asked.

"I knew what I wanted to say but you're here and you make me incredibly nervous. I'm not a nervous person. I'm never nervous. But you.... you make me nervous." Her voice was low.

"Just tell me Mel." Olivia finally softened.

"I haven't been with a woman before." She stared at the floor.

Olivia laughed and Mellie shot her daggers.

"I'm sorry Mel but I knew that. That isn't new information."

"I haven't been with a woman before." She continued. "You make me nervous and I've never been with a woman." She paused when Olivia sat next to her on the couch. "What if.. what if we sleep together and I don't know what to do or I'm not good. I know you and that means I know you're good in bed. You're just smooth and sexy and you're like a goddess Liv. I've been with Fitz and Andrew and that's it. I just.."

Olivia cut her off by pulling her body into hers. They both sat there quietly in each other's arms. When they pulled apart they stared in the others eyes. Olivia ran her hand through Mellie's hair.

"Mellie, listen. I am not going to pressure you into having sex with me. It'll happen when it does and even when it does I know you'll be great okay? You wouldn't settle for any less than that."

Mellie chuckled.

"Please don't worry about not having been with a woman before. It isn't like I have list of other women. Plus we all have first times. You're beautiful and I enjoy the kissing too. It isn't like I don't want to be with you because believe me I would give anything to touch and kiss every part of you but I want it to be on your terms." Olivia's hands ran down the other woman's back and down her thighs as she spoke. Mellie chewing on her bottom lip. Once she finished speaking it didn't take long before Mellie launched forward on top of Olivia pressing their lips together.

The pale woman moaned against the other woman's mouth. "I do want you." She breathed against Olivia's neck. "We don't have to Mel." She added.

Mellie moved from on top of Olivia and instead stood in front of her. Without saying a word she undressed, letting her clothes fall to the floor.

Olivia watched with hungry eyes.

"I want you to touch me Liv." Her voice dropped an octave.

Olivia practically leapt off the sofa crashing into her lover. She walked them to the bed until Mellie's knees hit and she fell back.

They crawled backward together up the bed. Olivia straddled her waist and sat up running her dark hands up the pale stomach feeling every part of her untouched skin.

"Tell me if you want me to stop okay?"

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