Am i clear?

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They were on the trail again. Mellie and Fitz weren't getting along but if they were to divorce in the middle of the campaign trail it would end Fitz's career and Mellie's could never even begin. So, they faked it. They traveled together playing happy couple. They held hands and did interviews. Mellie stood quietly at Fitz's side every stop of the trail. But behind closed doors when they were completely ignoring each other, there was nothing but silence. The two of them acted as if the other didn't exist.

Being that Olivia is Fitz's campaign manager, she was with them too. The tension was driving her insane. She understood because it was hard for Olivia seeing Fitz everyday especially the way he treated Mellie. All she wanted was to slap Fitz across the face and tell him how well she treats her in comparison. But she couldn't. She couldn't even really say anything. Except when she was alone with Mellie.

To the outside people, it looked as though Mellie and Olivia had become the best of friends. Even Fitz and Cyrus believed them to now just be bonding over their hatred for Fitz. Mellie couldn't stay in the same room as Fitz so Olivia offered up her hotel room. Her reasoning was because there was no suspicion to the campaign manager having her own hotel room. Little did everyone know, they spent their time sharing one bed. They would lock the doors at night and cuddle up under the covers leaving another bed completely empty.

Mellie and Olivia loved having their nights together. They couldn't do this normally because Olivia couldn't just spend every night at the White House. That would definitely cause suspicion. The two were doing so well together. They were falling more in love everyday. They spoke of quitting the campaign and just running away to be together. They spoke of their future. Neither of them knew much about where they were headed but they knew that they needed to be together.

This evening, the campaign trail landed the team in Columbus Ohio.

"Thank you so much for having me Ohio. Don't forget to get out and vote for me on November 8th." Fitz waved to the crowd with a smile on his face. Mellie stood behind him during his speech playing proud wife. She moved forward and grabbed his hand also smiling and waving. Fitz didn't grab her hand back. Mellie's facade only fell for a moment when she realized but quickly pulled herself back together hoping that no one in the crowd noticed. The pair left the stage together. When they were out of site and hearing distance of the crowd, the yelling began.

"You're such an idiot Fitz." Mellie yelled. "Do you realize what can happen?"

"Calm down Mellie. Nothing is going to happen." Fitz rolled his eyes and took a seat on the couch.

"You don't know that. This is such an important state. It can go either way and you're not that far from falling behind." She placed her hands on her hips.

"What's going on?" Olivia entered and looked between Mellie and Fitz. Her eyes stayed on Mellie a little longer checking to make sure she was okay.

"My husband had me out there looking like an idiot. People are never going to believe that we care for each other."

Fitz smiled at Olivia, "My wife, as always, is being dramatic. I didn't hold her hand at the end of the speech so now apparently we're losing the election."

"What do you mean you didn't hold her hand?" Olivia shifted her gaze between the two again.

"I reached for his hand and he basically let go. I'm sure someone noticed. There were people close enough to see that. I bet we'll be the leading news story tomorrow." Mellie plopped down on the other couch as far away from Fitz as possible.

"Maybe they'll say you're having an affair and leave me out of it. I can play sad, heartbroken husband and still win. They'd all believe you cheated and broke my heart anyway. You're cold and America knows that. "He took a drink.

Mellie stared at him. "Excuse me?" Her voice dropped an octave.

Olivia knew this was going to turn ugly. She also knew Mellie would throw their affair in his face if she got the opportunity.

"Okay. That's enough." She grabbed the drink out of Mellie's hand and set in on the table in front of her. Taking her hand and walking her out of the room.

"You need to go somewhere and breath before you do what I know you want to do. Okay? I will talk to him." Olivia rubbed her hands down Mellie's arms.

"He can't just say and do whatever he wants Liv." She said sad.

"I know he can't." Olivia placed her hand on Mellie's cheek. "I'm going to talk to him okay? Just go relax."

Mellie turned her face into the palm and placed a kiss before turning to walk away.

Olivia stormed back into the room where Fitz sat still smiling on the couch.

"What the hell are you doing?" She yelled.

"Come on Livie. You can't blame me for not holding her hand. I just can barely stomach that woman. I wish it were you."

"First of all, stop hitting on me. Stop saying how you miss me and wish it were me. I am your campaign manager and it's inappropriate. Second, that woman is your wife. You may not love each other anymore but if you don't learn to like each other you will lose. I will make sure a man who treats and talks about when the way you do, loses. I promise you that." Olivia pointed her finger angrily at him.

"I know that you remember the way I talk to women. You used to enjoy it. Remember that electrical closet?" He tried to grab her hand.

"Enough Fitz." She yelled. "I will quit if I have to."

He paused. He looked at her for a moment before realizing she was serious.

"You will be nice to Mellie. You will not talk to her the way that you do again. You will care for her as your wife. After you win, I will print the divorce papers myself if you treat her the way she deserves to now. If you don't follow what I am saying I will quit and I will ruin your career. Am I clear?"

He nodded in response. She picked up her purse and left the room slamming the door behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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