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Mellie shifted from her uncomfortable sleeping position when she heard a thud. "Uhhhh" Olivia groaned. The jolted Mellie right out of her comatose. "Olivia? Are you okay?" She sat up worried, reaching down to her lover on the floor.

Olivia landed flat on her face. She used her hands to push her up so she was sitting back on her knees. She placed her palm on her forehead. "Ow."

"Oh, Liv. I'm so sorry honey." Mellie mimicked Olivia's position on the floor.

Olivia chuckled.

Mellie raised an eyebrow. "What's so funny? I thought you were hurt."

"We are grown women sitting on the floor of a bedroom in the White House with no clothes on because we, the campaign manager and First Lady, had sex and then fell asleep and you knocked me off the couch." Olivia giggled.

Mellie started crawling toward Olivia. "How could I forget my dear?" She stopped right in front of her face. Their lips were almost touching. "Should we go again? Since you aren't injured." Olivia nodded with a smug smile before pulling Mellie's face to hers.


"Mellie, I can't believe you made this statement. How could you do that?" Fitz yelled.

"I'm so sick of standing here at your side smiling and waving and pretending like there's nothing going on inside my head. If I have to look at another damn china pattern I'm going to lose it." She took a breath before continuing. "You know that I'm smart and capable of doing the same job you're doing. I gave up a career to be here with you and let's face it you wouldn't have gotten this far without me. You need me. You should be happy I said something."

Fitz slammed his hands on his desk. "It isn't your job Mellie. You are replaceable you know? When I get my second term in the White House I could divorce you. I can have any woman I want. Maybe I'll marry Olivia. She'd marry me."

Mellie lunged forward at him also slamming her hands on his desk. She pointed her finger in his face. "Fitzgerald Grant, President of the United States, sure but you're no perfect man. You don't own me. Go ahead and divorce me but don't you ever talk about Olivia like that again."

"So you care more about protecting Olivia than you do me."

Mellie scoffed, "Oh tell me Fitz, when did you become this oblivious to everything around you? You used to be a smart, kind man. Power has turned you into nothing except for Big Jerry himself."

"Get out Mellie." He screamed in her face.

She turned and walked toward the door. As she had her hand on the knob she turned to face him again. "By the way, Olivia has no interested in you anymore Fitz. Stay away from her." The door slammed behind her.

Mellie slowly walked out of the oval keeping it together until she got to the hallway. Then she started walking so quickly it was almost a jog until she got to her bedroom. When she closed the door behind her she called Olivia.

"Hi Mellie." Olivia answered on the other side of the phone.

"I hate him. I hate this job. This stupid life. I hate it." She screamed.

"Is this about your statement earlier?"

Mellie yelled again in frustration, "He had the nerve to call me into his office and yell at me. He called me replaceable. You know what else? He said he'll divorce me and marry you. You Olivia. Of all people he said you."

"Mellie..." Olivia sighed.

"I don't even want to look at his stupid face. He's such an idiot. I just wanted to scream and tell him you're mine, not his. I wish you were there so I could've just grabbed you and kissed you and shut him up. I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't stop talking about y-"

Olivia cut her off. "Melody Margret Grant! I need you to stop talking so I can get a word in. Okay?"

"But Oli-"

"No. I'm talking now." Olivia paused waiting for my protesting from the other woman but she didn't speak. "Okay. Now. You weren't supposed to talk today and I would've been upset too. You're so smart though Mellie. You're well educated and well spoken. You could be President one day. You're incredible to listen to. Fitz is being an idiot because he loves the spotlight especially now that he's running for re-election."

Mellie felt her cheeks burn from the smile that remained on her face the whole time Olivia spoke. She didn't realize that she was no longer speaking.

"Liv?" She whispered.


"Do you think that I'm replaceable for him? Would he just divorce me and marry you?" Mellie found that her words came out quietly.

"Listen to me. One, Fitz and I are not going to be anything ever again. We are done. Two, you are anything but replaceable Mellie."

Mellie smiles again. "I am?"

"You are the most irreplaceable thing in my life."

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