Facing the Truth

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It has been weeks since Olivia has seen Mellie. She hasn't left Olivia's mind. She stays distracted throughout the day but even then her mind wanders back to the last time she saw her. She wonders if she broke the boundary and now she permanently messed up even a friendship with the woman. But she didn't make up Mellie looking at her lips. What would've happened if Fitz hadn't walked in?

Olivia is strutting down the hall of the White House on her way to the oval. The President is up in the polls since he and Mellie started acting more couple-like so that wasn't even much that Olivia needed to do. That did't stop her from making a trip to the White House everyday just in hopes of bumping into Mellie. Instead, all she got was Fitz.

She walked into the big room thinking about what excuse she would use now but all things left her mind when she opened the door to see Mellie on the sofa, glass in hand, and no Fitzgerald around.

The older woman didn't even look up from her glass. "Olivia."

Liv was stunned. She didn't even know what to do. This threw her whole plan out the window and she didn't ever not have a plan.

"Mellie." She sighed.

Mellie downed the contents of her cup and set it down on the table next to her before attempting to stand with a wobble. Olivia lunged forward and caught Mellie both of them falling into the couch. "Are you drunk? It's 1 o'clock in the afternoon."

Neither woman noticed that someone else had joined them in the room. "She's been like this almost everyday for the last two weeks. She needs help and I can't deal with her anymore." Fitz announced.

"Why? What's going on? Is something wrong?" Olivia rambled nervously.

"She won't do anything but yell at me. I said I can't deal with her anymore." He shrugged.

Olivia watched him walk to his desk and begin paper work. She looked at the woman practically in her arms. She was awake and conscious but she wasn't answering anything. This was her being intoxicated, there was no denying she was drunk but she wasn't belligerent.

"Mellie, I'm going to take you to your room to lie down okay?" Liv asked standing her up and walking her toward the door leading to the bedroom.

"Goodluck." Fitz shouted after them.

Mellie was fine walking on her own. She just wobbled a little bit.

"Olivia stop. I don't need your help. This is your fault anyway." She yelled, pushing Olivia away and falling against the bed.

Olivia stared at the woman in front of her. She had seen her drunk before. She wasn't normally like this.

"How is this my fault? What did I do? You've been avoiding me for weeks?" She was interrupted be a scoff from Mellie but continued. " You haven't answered my calls or texts. You're never around when I'm here. Did I do something wrong? Please tell me Mel."

There was a pause as both women just looked at each other.

" I don't want to talk. I can't talk about this." Mellie slurred.

Olivia moved toward her. Mellie tried to take a step back but the mattress was there so all she could do was sit down.

"Please talk to me." Olivia begged. Her hand moving to touch Mellie's face but falling before she got there. Olivia knew it was a bad idea. "Mel, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you for weeks. Months actually. You're in all of my dreams. I always feel like I need to be talking to you. I want to tell you about my day when it's over." A tear fell down her cheek but she continued. "I saw the way you were looking at me the last time we were together. I know that this is how you feel too. Is that why you're doing this? I don't want you to hurt yourself. It makes me sad to see you like this. Just.."

She was interrupted by hands on her cheeks and lips on her own. Her own hands found the waist in front of her and pulled her closer. The kiss was filled with passion and love but it was cut short by the taller woman pushing her away. "Mel." Olivia whispered.

"I don't know why I just did that. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you." Mellie sounded less drunk now like the kiss had sobered her up.

"Don't say that." Liv practically yelled.

"You think I want to? No! I want to kiss you all the time. I want to touch you all the time, Olivia." Mellie admitted.

"Then do it." Olivia commanded.

"I can't!" She yelled.

"Why not? Is it because of Fitz? Screw him! Has he ever thought about how you would feel while he's out there fucking all those other women?"

There was now tears falling down her face and she was actually yelling. "I am the First Lady of the United States Liv. I can't just be in love with another woman."

No one said anything. Both women stared at each other.

"Mellie.... Did you just say that you're in love with me?" Olivia asked moving close to her again.

"Don't make me say it again." She answered.

Olivia moved another step closer. This time, she let her hands move to the other woman's face. She rubbed her cheek with her thumb wiping away the tears. This time it was Olivia who closed the space between them and Mellie pulling her closer. When they pulled apart for air Olivia spoke.

"Listen, I hide things for a living. We can figure this out. I have spent the last two weeks without contact with you and it was the longest two weeks of my life." They both giggled. "I love you too Mel. I don't know what this means for either of us but I think maybe together we could figure it out." Olivia stood there with a smile on her face waiting for a response.

Without saying anything Mellie connected their lips again. "I'm scared because I've never done this. I've never done sneaking around or hiding anything." Her voice came down to almost a whisper when she continued. "I've never been with a woman."

At that Olivia chuckled which earned her a small smack from Mellie.

"I have only been with one woman Mel. It isn't like I have a ton of experience." Liv chuckled.

Mellie pulled her in for a hug. "Thank you Liv."

Without pulling away Olivia responded. "For what?"

"Because you are always here."

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