The Fear

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There is only three weeks left until the election. Fitz is favored to win and everything has been going smoothly.

They had meetings once a week for the last couple of months just to talk scheduling and polling.

Olivia, Cyrus, Fitz, and Mellie all sat together in the oval.

Fitz sat at his desk while Mellie, Liv, and Cyrus all sat on the couches. Mellie and Liv sat next to each other. Far enough so nothing seemed suspicious but close enough that they could feel the heat radiating off of the other. That was how they felt comfortable.

"Mr. President, do you have your speech ready for Ohio tomorrow?" Cyrus questioned.

"I wish you would've just let your speech writer handle that Fitz." Mellie rolled her eyes.

"Actually I do have it done. You know as well as I do this speech has to come from me. It's Defiance Mellie. This has to be my speech. My words." Fitz grabbed his speech from the pile of papers on his desk. "You rigged this before. I need this this time. I need to get this done myself."

There was a scoff from Mellie as she leaned back against the couch. Olivia watched as she crossed her arms. She knew it always hurt Mellie that Fitz blamed Defiance on her every time. He always just believed that it was Mellie who set it up because she is just hungry for his power.

"Fitz, that isn't necessary. Just read your speech please." Olivia wanted to put her hand on Mellie's thigh. She wanted to comfort her. She couldn't of course so she settled for a subtle brush against her skirt and a smile as she moved to the seat across from Fitz.

After Fitz was finished Olivia gave him a few tips and then excused herself.

Cyrus and Fitz started to talk without including Mellie. She stood up and cleared her throat.

"We're done Mellie. You can go." Fitz stated.

Mellie left the oval and headed toward her room. Her and Fitz no longer shared a bedroom because frankly Mellie just couldn't stand it. She turned the corner and jumped when she heard a voice behind her.

"Hello First Lady." Olivia smiled standing against the wall.

Mellie swatted her arm. "Dammit Liv, you scared me."

"Couldn't resist the chance." She shrugged.

Mellie crossed her arms for a minute pretending to pout.

"I can't believe how beautiful you are when you're pouting." Liv ran her finger along Mellie's jaw and Mellie sucked her lip in between her teeth. Olivia smiles, as she enjoys seeing the woman like this.

Mellie grabs Olivia's wrist and pulls her into her bedroom, slamming the door behind them as she pushed Olivia up against it.

They're lips met in a hungry kiss. Mellie had her hands wrapped in Olivia's hair.

Liv dropped the bag in her hand on the floor and grabbed the taller woman's hips. Olivia loved having her hands on Mellie's curves. She smiled into the kiss as she ran her hands down her back to her ass and she felt the brunette suck in air against her lips. The woman was so beautiful. Liv had to admit she's always admired Mellie's beauty even when they were supposed to hate each other. But being able to touch her and explore her was something special.

Mellie bit her lip pulling out a moan from between Olivia's beautiful lips. She also pulled back.

"I enjoy this." Mellie whispered.

Olivia smiled and ran her hand down the cheek of the woman in front of her. "Enjoy what, kissing?"

"This. Kissing, touching, feeling. Actually having an emotional connection with someone. The teasing. Us. But yes, definitely kissing."

The darker woman leaned forward and placed light kiss on the pale nose in front of her.

"So much, Olivia." Mellie added in a whisper with a smile. "These last few weeks have been amazing."

"Honestly, sometimes I forget that it's only been a month." Olivia squeezed her arms and then moved to the mirror to fix herself.

Mellie watched with a frown. "Do you have to leave?"

"I mean I have some time today. I just figured you'd be busy and want me to go." Olivia was watching Mellie behind her through the mirror.

Mellie made her way to the bed and sat on her knees.

"Oh. I don't have to do anything." She said playing with her hands in her lap. That was a nervous habit of hers. Anytime she was uncomfortable or nervous she played with her fingers.

It was strange for Olivia to see. Mellie was always confident and never showed weakness. The nervousness was something that only came out around Liv.

Olivia sighed. She walked toward Mellie and sat on the bed in front of her.

"What's wrong Mel?"

Her eyes stayed fixed on her hands.

She laughed.

"Hey." Olivia lifted Mellie's chin. Mellie still avoided the brown eyes in front of her. "Look at me. What's wrong?"

"Liv.." she sighed.

"Mellie, don't Liv me. Just tell me what wrong. I know you. I know you act like this when something is wrong. You can tell me."

"The kissing is great but aren't you bored with me yet?"

Olivia sat there with her mouth open. "Mellie.. You think I'm going to be bored with you because we haven't had sex?"

"I mean it wouldn't be the first time it happened to me. My own husband slept with someone else because I wasn't having sex with him." She went back to staring at her hands.

"That's what you think of me? That I would get bored because you aren't putting out?" Liv stood up.

"Now you're mad. I didn't mean it like that." Mellie tried to reach for her but Liv moved back.

"What did you mean then? Because it sounds an awful lot like you're comparing me to Fitz. I'm not Fitz Mellie." Her voice was raised a little.

"I know you aren't him Liv. That isn't what I meant. I just.. I don't know how to explain it but.."

Olivia cut her off. "You know maybe I should just go then."

"No. Stop. Please don't." Mellie ran to Olivia and caught her wrist. "Let me just... I need to find the right words. I.."

She was interrupted by the ringing of Olivia's cell phone.


Mellie paced around the room waiting for the call to end.

"I have to go." Olivia faced Mellie.

"Is everything okay?" She asked shyly.

"Yeah." She opened the door.

"Please can we talk later?" Mellie asked quickly.

"I'll call you."

And then she was gone.

Mellie paced. She ran over and over what she wanted to say in her head until she had formed a perfect script. But she couldn't take it anymore and grabbed her hooch.

"Dammit Olivia." She huffed.

It wasn't long until she was feeling some of the hooch and ended up falling asleep on her couch.

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