1. The Ocean's Call

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1. The Ocean's Call

"So what should we call this island?" Moana asked Maui as she unrolled the palm tree leaf out on the sand. Getting no response from the demigod, she turned around to find him sprawled out on the sand on his back. With a groan, she grabbed a small stone that was at her feet and tossed it at him. "Maui, wake up!"

The stone hit the demigod on the forehead and he woke up with a yelp.

"KAKAMORA! RUN!" He yelled, jumping to his feet and grabbing his fishing hook.

"Maui!" He turned around to see Moana kneeling down on the sand with her arms folded over her chest and with a stern look on her face. "This is no time for naps, we have to map this island and scout it."

"We've been doing this for days! Why all of a sudden do you want to start mapping and exploring islands now?" Maui groaned, walking over to his friend and knelt down next to her.

"Because we never know when my tribe has to set sail to another island, and mapping these out will help us know where they are and what's on them so we can stay there if it's necessary." Moana explained as she opened up the pouch she carried and fished around for a piece of charcoal.

"I pulled these islands out of the sea, I'm pretty sure they're all abundant enough for your tribe to live on if needed." Maui grumbled.

"Don't you remember that one we found where it was overrun by those fire breathing monsters? Or that one that had an active volcano? We can't risk getting anyone killed because of that." Moana said and pulled out the piece of charcoal she was looking for. "What sort of chief would I be if I kept leading my tribe into danger?"

"Okay okay I see your point, but why did you have to bring me along?" Maui asked as Moana began to draw out the island. "And you drew that one part of the island wrong, it's the middle mountain that's bigger."

"Because you know these islands better than me." Moana replied, licking her thumb to erase the part Maui pointed out her mistake on, and began to redraw the mountain. "You could scout ahead in bird form while I'm on the canoe and come back to tell me what is on it from your view."

"How did I even agree to do this?" Maui muttered to himself.

"Besides, it's better than fighting the same boring old monsters." Moana said going back to her map and tapping her chin. "What should we call this one?"

"Maui's Fist!"

"We've already named two islands after you, and it does not look like your fist."

"It does from a distance!"

As the two argued, neither of them noticed a wave on the ocean rise. It edged closer to the shore and tapped on Maui's shoulder. One of Maui's tattoos from the back noticed the wave and jumped to the front of the chest to get the demigod's attention.

"Not now, we're having an argument." Maui said flicking mini Maui to his back.

The small tattoo slapped its forehead and gave the wave a small shrug as if to say 'well I tried'. The wave this time stretched over the two and tapped on Moana's shoulder to get her attention. When she didn't even turn around, it gave a gentle tug on her shell necklace. Moana turned to see what was tugging on her neck when she saw the wave. A grin spread across her face and Maui gave a loud yelp.

"Well look who it is." Moana chuckled, standing up as the wave moved back towards the shore and gave her a small wave. "I haven't seen you in a while! Well we see you while sailing but not like that."

"What does it want now?" Maui asked, getting to his feet and standing besides her.

"I don't know." Moana replied. "What's wrong?"

The ocean turned around and pointed towards their canoe and then off towards the vast sea and turned back to them.

"I think it wants us to follow it." Moan said looking to where their canoe was docked.

"Well this better be better than mapping islands." Maui said, going back to grab his fishhook and the rest of their supplies. "Shouldn't we get some supplies first before we go? I saw a cluster of coconuts in that grove of palm trees over there around the corner."

Moana looked to the ocean that gave them a nod.

"I suppose we can spare some time getting more supplies, we are running a bit low on food." Moan said walking back to the map and rolling it up. "Let's try and refill the baskets to we have enough to last us for a while."

Within an hour, the two had gathered a basket of assorted nuts, three baskets filled with coconuts, and another filled with bananas.

"I wonder where it's leading us?" Moana asked as Maui pushed their boat out onto the shallow waters and leapt on.

"Who knows, it's the ocean for crying out loud." Maui responded as he loosened the rope to release the sail. "But it must be important, so we have to see what it wants. Makes me wish it could appear in a human form so we can understand it better."

"Another adventure for us then." Moana said witha grin. "And no telling how far or where we'll go."

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