Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ellington’s POV

“What was that all about?” I asked I looked at Ross he was looking at Victoria.

“Nothing.” Ross said

“No Really I need to know.” I said

“Really it was nothing!”

“Ok sorry. I will go talk to her.” I walked up stairs and walked into Rydel’s room she was pacing.”Babe? What’s up?” I asked concerned

“Look, I can’t tell you.” She said looking me straight in the eye and taking a deep breath.

“Why?” I asked

“I promised….. People.” she said sitting on her bed. I grabbed her desk chair and set it by her bed. I sat down and grabbed her hand.

“Look, Rydel I know that you promised someone. But you look miserable. You need to tell someone.”

“Ell. I can’t.”

“Please Delly.”

“Fine. Can you keep a secret?”

“Of course.”

“Ross and Tori are dating. You can NOT tell Ariana or Riker they will break. I heard them. They don’t want to tell them because Riker will be furious that Ross is dating Ariana’s friend and Ariana will be mad because Tori is dating Riker’s sister.”

“Ok I won’t say anything tell they do.”

“Don’t even talk to them about it.”

“Ok.” we stood up and I hugged her “Rydel?”


“Did you know that I love you?”

“I did.” She said smiling

“Good.” I smiled

“Why don’t we go see how Ross and Ryland are holding up?”

“No I want to stay here.”


We laid on her bed and she closed her eyes and fell asleep. I kissed her forehead and soon fell asleep.

Victoria’s POV

Ross was walking me out. I had to say something.

“Ross you know she is gonna tell Ellington right?” I said

“I know. But I’m not worried.” he said hugging me I pulled away.

“Well I am I use to date Ellington.”

“No since when?” He said sarcastically


“What you won’t let me forget you only bring it up every five minutes.” He said a bit frustrated

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok. He loves Rydel not you. Let’s forget about it.”


“I love you.”

“I love you too.”



A/N Once again i made a new Rydellington series the first book is called Tears Of Her!! Please read it!! Thank you!!

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