Welcome To The Real World

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Author's Note: Sorry about the late upload, I think chapter 6 is the cursed chapter for me! Blah! haha Comment and Enjoy!


“I need my morning pills”, I avoid their faces as I speak. Dean stands in front of the stove, Sam is across from him in front of the sink, neither of them show any intention of moving. I stand at the entrance to the kitchen and wait for a reply, “no” Dean says stubbornly, I huff and roll my eyes up to meet his, I want to yell at him but I know it wont solve anything. My brothers are stubborn as all hell, if there’s anything at all I remember about them it’s that fact…but then again, so am I. “You don’t understand, I…” I falter, despising the words about to come out of my mouth, I curl my upper lip in disgust as I say: “I need them”, Dean just stares back at me, “I’m sorry” he begins, condescendingly, “but did you FORGET the last 20 minutes?” I roll my eyes, sick to my stomach and ready to make the shadows surfacing in my brain go away “Dean, I need my pills” I say as calmly as possible.

“NO you DON’T” he says, “you’re not crazy” he stares intensely at me and suddenly I’m entirely too exhausted to fight, too jaded and worn out from this entire experience. I realize the time *2:36 am* and know I wont be able to get back to sleep and wake up in time for work…but what will I do while I’m awake?

Usually I never give myself idle time, always focusing on one task or another in order to keep my mind active, distracted. These two come along and everything is different. I sigh, *whatever* “I need a ride to work”, they’re silent for a moment and look at each other with confusion “work?” Sam asks me with a raised eyebrow, I raise one myself “yes, women DO work outside the home nowadays” I say with sarcasm. They look at me for a little while longer before finally agreeing *weirdoes* I think as I turn to leave.

Dean’s POV

*1 Day Ago*

“What the hell is this?” I ask, my voice gruff and hollow, Bobby stares at the letter in my hand with wide eyes, he knows what it is and exactly how much shit he’s about to be in. He grumbles “damnit”, I march towards him “when did you get this?!” I demand. Sam enters through the kitchen “what’s going on?” he asks as he flicks on the light, throwing a spot light on Bobby in the middle of darkened room. I hand Sam the letter in silence, “About three weeks after he died” Bobby answered, “you boys had come and gone by the time”, “Bobby?” Sam begins to ask but falls silent again as he continues to read. “And it’s a damn shame there’s no such thing as a Goddamn cell phone!” I yell, “why wouldn’t you tell us?!” Sam asks, he’s reached the end of the letter and understands my anger. “Because” Bobby begins “by the time that letter got here…by the time Quinn got here…she thought you boys were dead, in fact she’d thought it for a long time, and knowing just how likely that mighta been I didn’t wanna get her hopes up”.

 I shake my head, a bitter guilt keeps me from yelling. Memories of the hospital poke up out of their ashes, pictures of my baby sister spring to life out of the darkness of everything else in my mind. “But you didn’t even call, you didn’t CHECK, we would’ve come back!” Sam remarks, Bobby looks between the both of us, his own anger becoming apparent “ain’t you two iggiets gettin it yet? She thought you were dead! I’d go up’n see her, her eyes'd be so empty, they’d look like she’d seen World War two! She was just startin to accept you bein when she got here, and when she moved out it was gettin to lookin like she could have a normal life…you know that’s all you’re dad ever wanted”.

Things are silent for a while, in the letter Dad wrote that Quinn was in danger, he didn’t know what was going to happen, “just be there” is what he said, I know now we should have already be doing that. When Sammy left it didn’t feel right to go back to her with a broken family, I guess Quinn would have liked at least one person but it always seemed we were too messed up to go back to her. We thought she would be able to be happy there, I guess we made the wrong choice. “You got somebody looking out for her?” I ask, Bobby nods “Got a guy lives right next door in the apartment building keeps an eye out, a guy in the sheriff’s office” I nod slowly, taking this is bit by bit, *Quinn lives in an apartment, she thinks we’re dead, she’s got people looking out for her…she thinks we’re dead*.

“Where does she work?” Sam asks…a kind of pointless question if you ask m- “she doesn’t” Bobby answers, we look at him, “part of some program with the hospital, they support her till she hits 21”, “couldn’t she get a job if she wanted to?” Sam asks again, I wonder why he’s so interested but keep quiet, wanting to hear the answer for some reason myself. “Well, they want her to finish out the program, IT only ends when the patients wears out their meds and the meds only last till 21 or till the patient passes the evaluation to be put off…till then she’s stuck on the nipple”. I repeat these words in my head so they stick… *she can’t have a job*

*24 Hours Later*

*Quinn’s POV*

*5:53 am*

I stare at the face of the building in shock, a great and striking anxiety rises in me as I take in each detail and they begin to come together to form some truth I have yet to reach.

I glance back at Sam and Dean, Dean leans against the driver’s side window of the Impala, Sam stands next to a lamp post, they both watch me carefully, “are you sure this is the address I gave you?” I ask, they nod “727 Lennox” Sam answers clearly, they look at me as if they’re waiting for me to realize something, I stand in my confusion, sick of not understanding. I turn back to the store, a Laundromat with the words ~Haney’s Laundry~ written across the window, it sits in the exact spot the coffee house should be in… “this can’t be” I say to myself, my eyebrows stuck tightly together as I scan the building, as though it only took me looking hard enough to morph the building back into what it should be. I turn to Sam and Dean again, they watch me “this can’t be!” I say “it was just here yesterday! I come here EVERYDAY”, but they just look back at me…waiting.

Looking back at the…Laundromat…I notice a women inside coming out…*It’s Noel!* she walks out with a broom, *she works here?* I call to her “Hey! Noel, what happened to this place?” I say and begin to make my way over to her, but the look in her eyes freezes me, she glares coldly at me, I stare at her and wonder why, “would you STOP calling me that?!” she demands, I’m unable to answer…but that doesn’t seem a problem for her “everyday you come around here calling me that! That is NOT my NAME!” she turns and storms back inside…I’m left in silence.

Slowly I turn back to my brothers…they watch.

*Sam’s POV*

Her eyes are swimming with confusion, she stares at the sidewalk trying to make sense of it all. I’m not sure what world she was living in…but it sure as hell wasn’t real…now she hit’s the realization with a hard smack. The glaze is beginning to clear from her eyes and for the first time I see something I may recognize in them, something of the Quinn that used to be alive. The process is slow…but eventually we slip back into the Impala and head back to her apartment, I watch her eyes and as the buildings pass outside the window I keep watching to see when her eyes will show signs of actually noticing they exist…there is nothing. But, this was a start, at least we have that.

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