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Alexander huffed white into the frigid air before burrowing slightly in the soft yarn of his scarf. He enjoyed the slight moment of warmth as his eyes closed, and then cold took over once more. The idea that others enjoyed the winter's harsh, unrelenting bites winded him, it was way too cold for this shit.

"Hamilton, are you even listening?" Alex looked up through his scarf, his eyes narrowing with unamused hatred. Of all the places Thomas, fucking, Jefferson chose to confront him it had to be at the curb just outside of the building, right in front of him with its electric heating and warm coffee almost taunting.

"No," Alex replied snappily, "I'm freezing my ass off, so if you don't mind, I would very much appreciate getting inside before you begin to insult my proposal. Which, mind you, is a piece of art that you will agree with" huffing he twisted around, legitimately shoving the doors forward as he entered the blessed warmth of the building complex, but with Jefferson at his heels. The man was still spewing nonsense, most likely about his latest proposal and how bad it is, that rolled off him like... well, water.

Hamilton stopped abruptly, turning to glare up at the taller, more infuriating man once
more, "what?"

"I'm just saying how-"

That damned smirk and arrogantly airy tone. "I heard what you said" No, he hadn't, "and I would appreciate it if your pompous ass would back off so I can get my daily dosage of caffeine and work on the bill that will pass through congress whether you give a shit- "

"As it stands now, Hamilton, your proposal" Jefferson spat, a flash of something crossing the male's face. However, Alexander has had enough of his arrogant display and the nipping could, "will be going further than your career" Hamilton cut in quickly, "I'm so glad you noticed," he added, wrenching his body around once more to continue his journey to the break room for his sweet awakening in the form of coffee, Jefferson no longer following. Good. He could walk off a cliff for all he cared.

Alexander swung into his office minutes later. Yes his office, nobody else's. Just his own room with his one desk without any people. No people. No loud random exclaiming, grumbling, or breathing from anyone else. Just himself and the desk piled up hazardously with papers that he would sort one day in far future. Alex loved it, and yes, Alex had worked for it.

Quickly he sat down his coffee and slip out his well-past-its-limit-laptop and began the quick task of going through his emails while taking careful sips of the now slightly warm coffee. The liquid still burned his tongue but, alas, who cared.

The task was quick, not much to answer that wasn't already in the night. The only thing he had to do was add a minimal amount of costs and deductions to the spreadsheet he had tucked in the corner of his screen all the while he was humming along to a foreign tune. Hamilton worked quickly and efficiently and soon he was finished with an empty cup of coffee and some documents to print. Might as well make it a trip.

Quickly pressing the print button to all the needed documents he stood with a soft grunt and made way to the door with his empty mug in hand and a few extra papers as he reached for the handle absently. He would have time to look over his bill and work on it to his heart's content when he-

The heavy-set door slammed right into him, eliciting a yelp he would very much deny later, "Hamilton what the hell is" the shout was cut short as the intruder realized the other man on the floor nursing a now bloody nose, "oh? Already on your knees before me Hamilton? I'm honored"

"Shut up" Alexander muttered in response, beyond annoyed, "what do you want Jefferson" reaching for his papers he began to stack them again, barely noticing the crimson slipping down onto the rug till it was too late. Breath hitching, he covered his nose in a vain attempt to staunch the flow when a handful of tissues were shoved right into his line of sight.

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