Part 9

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  It was dark ,cold you wanted out ,you were scared ,alone " why did this happen " you questioned " because you deserved it " he ever stopped following you "m/n heres food for you and water " An mp came in and gave you a tray " thanks ,hey any new on whats going on ?" you asked " i cant say anything at the moment but i know you didnt plan it but if i can give you any info i'll let you know okay " she said "thanks annie " you said "that looks disgusting like your face , i bet you i could have done a better job of it " you felt a hand catch you jaw " oh i guess i can touch you after all i'm gunna have fun now haha " his maniac laugh rag in your ears " get off me " you shouted ,you sat down and began to eat or try to at least " ohh m/n look at us stuck in this room all alone with me ,hmm it must get boring but at least i have you to play with " he said "you touch me again and i'll make sure you are sent to hell and over again " you glared at his glowing red eyes " well all you can do is try right ?" he smiled " why cant you just piss off and leave me alone " you said "well thats the thing ,i cant ,i'm not really dead i played as a soldier and hooked wires in your room i aslo when i had you implanted a small microphone earpiece into you not saying where but thats how i could talk to you without others knowing and know look where we are , i planted those photographs since you coulnt kill yourself made it look like you planned it all ,every one will think you are crazy and kill you" he said sitting next to you " but why do this riki ?i dont understand " you said " because all though dad beat you as a kid you were always a mummies boy who played by the rules and got all of the attention from her, thats why " he said "but dont tell any one or else they will find you dead in here got it " you agreed .

few weeks later

He had tortured you again but only in your sleep you wanted out but no matter how much you cried for Levi no one would listen all you wanted was to just hold him ,you felt safe in his arms he knew everything about you .You cried every day ,all the answers you would get would be what day it was ,time nothing else it pained you heart not knowing if you were forgotten and just left in a cell to rot ,it scared you so much "please just let me out " you begged but they didnt listen .You heard nothing from Levi maybe they had an expedition on ? what if ,what if he moved on without you and loved some one else , what if he was dead? these thought kept running through your mind over and over again .

Time went by so slow you stopped eating ,your body grew fragile and weak ,only by the orders of Riki you gave him your food ,you were hungry but ended up not caring ,your hair grew long and your face had stubble on it ,you wanted to shave so bad but you couldnt ,your body was weak you couldn't move ,riki then made his move ti kill you .

"Night ,night brother " he said just as he stabbed you in the neck the cell door flew open he was restrained ,the knife still in your neck ,struggling to breath " he needs help " you heard a voice shout " hes dead leave him i want to see his face " you heard riki shout " hey m/n its me Levi can you hear me " you felt a hand on your shoulder and searched for the voice "i -i-I" you tried to talk and breath at the same time but it was hard ,tears sprung form your eyes already painted crimson red from before"your going to be okay i promise m/n" Levi said again , then just like that the world went dark .

Levi pov 

No please ,no stay with me m/n please don't leave me ! i kept on repeating those words as his eyes struggled to stay open his face stained with tears , the wouldn't let me see him ,i had to know he was okay by himself ... well that was until i saw his brother stabbing him over and over again ,chest ,stomach and then the throat "don't die on me please your the last person id never want to see die please" my body rocked . I felt pained ,sadness ,angry all in one go i didn't know what to do . To see him close his beautiful eyes , would i ever see them again ?

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