Him again ?

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[a/n] I woke up this morning with 6 votes and 1 comment on the story ?! wow, that is crazy ! Thanks a lot guys ! So here is the update, hope you enjoy it ! x 

Oh, and this fanfic also has some Lilo time..I mean, before the Larry moments which -obviously- cant happen right now, Louis loves Liam since the 6th grade awwwww. So yeah, here it is x 

Louis POV

This day passed really quick, mostly because I didnt even dare to pay attention in classes, as they were extremely boring and im not the school-guy type. I went home with the same bus, and I was thakful that guy didnt take it too. Maybe I wont have to see him again around here.

'Hey mum !' I shouted and my mum appeared from nowhere and hugged me tight. 'Hey Lou ! How was your day ?' I rolled my eyes in disgust 'Awful. And I didnt get a bad grade or anything, its just that some popular pricks took the same bus as I do and..um..' She smiled at me 'Come on, it happens everyday doesnt it ?' I sighed as i made my way upstairs 'Yeah, I guess so'

I tried to clear my head from all the curly guy thoughts that were filling it and I pulled out my algebra notebook and book to make my homework. I looked at it for several minutes, and I realised as I didnt ay attention in class I had no idea how the hell shoould I solve this shit. 'Muuuuuuuuum !' I shouted as loud as I could 'Whaaaaaaaat ?' she groaned using the same tone as I did 'I hate algebra !!' I heard footsteps and she opened the door slowly 'Come on Lou, everybody hates math' I smirked 'Yup' 

I finished -well, my mum did most of it- my homework on algebra ad i was way too tired to do my English or Chemistry homework, so I waid an undone homework never killed anybody. I realised how quiet the house was 'Mom, where are my sisters ?' I said unsure 'Oh, they are at dad's for two weeks. Their school is closer from where he lives so this isn't a problem. ' I looked at her wide-eyed. ' B-but I could get them to school ! I mean they are my little sisters mum  !Why didnt you tell me ?' She laughed 'Lou, they wanted to go and if you would ever have dinner with us you;d know' I blushed a little, I never have time to take dinner with my family and I am usually outdated wth evrything that happens in this house. 'Yeah..' I gave her an encouraging smile. 


Next morning I woke up as usual, got my backpack -which I hope has everything i need inside - , kissed my mum and called Liam. 'Hi love' I said sweetly as Liam answered at the other end of the phone. 'Hi babe, where are you?' I looked a bit around 'In the bus station, how about you ?' i smiled as he said ' Im in the bus love. Ill wait for you at the front door Lou' I hummed and I said I love you before hanging up the phone. The bus finally came. The curly lad was niwhere to be seen. Liam hugged me from behind and kissed my hair. 'Hi babe, I mised you' I turned around to hug him too. We took our usual seats -which were surprisingly unoccupied- and he leaned his head on my shoulder. As the bus stopped for the fourth time, I heard cheers and screams 'Harry ! Harry ! Harry ! ' Who the hell is Harry ? 

A certain group of teens got into the bus. Oh no. Liam looked at me with quesitoning eyes 'Him again?' I pecked his lips 'It seems like him, and seems like his name is Harry' I pecked his lips again, in case anyone wanted to take him away from me they would know he is taken. Surprisingly, the group wasnt in the back area of the bus as they were yesterday; they were right in front of us. Ew. The curly lad pekced his girlfriend cheek 'Love you Vi' She giggled super girly as she blushed. Wow, I wasnt expecting this from..them. He put his arms around 'Vi's shoulder and she leaned her head on his shoulder. The curly lad -Harry- looked at me, with autority, like he was the boss and I was the slave. But is expression softened as he gave me a pitiful smile, mouthing 'Gay'. I nodded slowly, hoping he wouldnt beat me or anything for being gay. He looked at me pitiful and disgusted at the sime time, as he said 'Pretty obvious' and he winked at me.  I put my arm around my boyfriend's shoulder and waited for the bus to arrive. 

'What hour is it ?' Liam said touching his pockets searching for his phone. I pulled mine out 'Its 6:45 babe' He laughed 'Gah, I thought we were late and we still have 15 minuts to kill' I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the green area of the school. I took his backpack and leaned it near mine, as i intended to use them as pillows. 'What are you doing?' Liam laughed. 'You'll see, wait here love' I ran towards the flower garden and I picked up some roses, and also some petals from another roses. I picked up some fresh grass and stuck everything in a little shopping bag I had in my back pocket. 'What the hell ?' Liam laughed. I shook my head 'Close your eyes' he disagrred 'Nope' I put my best pleading puppy face 'Please ?' Liam chuckled 'okay, okay'

I laid down the tall grass i picked up, then I put the 3 roses one on the left, one on the right and one at the top, then I put the rose petals on the tall grass, spreading them everywere. 'Can I open them ?' 'Nope Lili, wait' . I pulled out my phone and it started playing 'Bed of roses'. I smiled at myself 'Open them' His face was perfect. It was filled with joy and happiness and he jumped on me kissing me rough and soft at the same time -yes, it was rough but soft, i cant explain it- 'It is perfect babe' We started to sing along the lyrics and we laid down on the bed of roses I just created in no time. We cuddled like that for around ten minutes, when we heard the bell ringing loud. 'Its pretty quiet here, so lets hope no one would ruin this place' I said softly, getting up and holding out my hand for Liam to take it. 'Promise me this would be our place ?' I smkiled softly 'Of course I promise Liam...its ours, only ours.'


'Whats up guys ?' I hard Zayn call from the other end of the hall. 'heading to Chemistry, you ?' I only have Chemistry and Maths with my loving boyfriend, so this is why i kind of never skip them . 'Gah, I have maths. See you around love birds' Zayn chickleed passing us. I pecked his lips right in Zayn's view so he could get we were practically making fun of his words. He shook his head and we got into the Chemistry class. I soon got a text 

From: Unknown contact

Hi homo x How are you lad ?

I glared at the phone 'Whos that ?' My deskmate, Liam, asked me 'No idea' . I was confused. First of all, who would know my number and that I was gay ?

To: Unknown contact

Im in class..how r you anonymus ? :p

I got no answer int he next ten minutes so I decided it'd be best if I just shoved my phone back into my pocket so the teacher won't see it.

[a/n]: hiiiiiii ! so , who do you think texted Louis ? leave your opinions in the comments Cx

[goal]: 2 votes/2 comments ? :)

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