Get off me motherfucker!!

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[a/n] please dont hate me for this chapter, i promise shit will get better but i really can't continue if noone reads it.. anyways you know i love the ones who actually read x 

I like this chapter because you know it is like the beggining of Larry shit, when Harry hurts him and bullies him but I am already going to give too much information so yeah ere is the chapter.. 

Louis POV

'Get off me motherfucker !!' Harry shouted as he pushed me angrily on the ground. As i fell, I hurt y shoulder by the nightstand. 'H-harry..what the hell..' I looked at him confused. 'You were fucking sleeping on me !' he accussed me ? Oh no, this was not right. 'Oh, but you asked me to sleep like that ! And you are accussing me ?! What the hell Harry ?' I tried to keep going, to not sho my weakness, but it became harder and harder as Harry spoke. 'So what ?! I needed a place to sleep Louis, not a homosexual idiot trying to seduce me, and also a homosexual idiot cuddling with me when he has a boyfriend' I sighed. It wasnt that bad until the last part, when he mentioned that I have a boyfriend.

He did have a point so I couldnt disagree weith him on this one. He nodded satisfied. 'As I thought. look, Im not trying to mean anything but what the fuck ? You have a fucking boyfriend Louis, for fucks sake ! You can not just take me home then sleep with me in the same bed and then look, you fucking cuddle with me ! Dont you love him, homo ?' I smirked at the kind of nickname he gave me , homo. People sometimes called me that but it was different when he did it. Not a good or a bad different, just different. 'Of course I do' I sayed trying to stay calm for as long as i could. 'Then what the hell ?' He asked, a lot calmer than before. 'Yeah' He said, taking fast stept towards me. This time I really panicked, so I took a few steps backwards, hitting the closet and having no where else to go. His fist connected with my stomach in no time. 'Harry ! I-I am sorry ' He didnt mind my pleadings as his fist also connected with my jaw and my stomach again. I was on the ground.

'P-please..m-my grandma died..' I said, but mostly my consciousness said for me because it really wasnt me who thought about saying that. 'What>?' Harry laughed ' I dont care' e punched me again, this time in balls. Ouch. I saw him leaving the ouse quietly, bnot trying to wake somene up. Well, only my mom was home so I only had to worry about her. But she had a deep sleep, so my sobs werent able to hear from her room downstairs. I crawled on the bed and curled up into a ball, holding my stomach tight and trying to breath normal again. What have I done wrong ? I just tried to help him, and he is accussing me for something he hstarted. I hate him so much ! Why did he had to take that fucking bus in the first place ? Because of his prostitute ex ? He is so idiot. I called Liam, asking him if I could come over. He happily accepted and I ditched school that day. I was too broke. 

I went home at around 8 o'clock, which was extremely late considering I finished school at 3pm on Wednesdays. My mum gave me a questioning look as she saw my missing backpack and also clothes she saw me in yesterday morning. But I ignored it, running upstairs. My plan was easy. Go in your room. Lock it. Sleep. But I really needed to pee, so I walked into the bathroom. I turned on the light, did my bussiness and decided I should brush my teeth. As I opened the counter, I saw a little pair of scrissors shining inside. I bit my lip nervously, and without me noticing it, I was already crying since I went back from Liam's. I slowly picked up the shiny scrissors with trembling hands. I closed my eyes and I sat down on the floor. As soon as the sharp object made contact with my hand, a small smile made his was to my lips. I pushed a little harder, dragging a lin across my wrist. I opened my eyes and looked at the blood on the floor. I washed my hand and the scrissors, putting everything back in place. I wrapped my hand in a clean cloth from the counter, and went back to my room without having anyone to notice me. 

I noticed a quiet sound coming from my phone, and my heart started to hope it is from Harry. was just from Liam. No, not just from Liam. Nope, thats wrong. 'Yay, its from my boyfriend Liam and I love him !!' I exclaimed and tried to convince myself I truly believed what I said. I then read the message.. ' Babe..I know you had a crush on him , stop hiding it..But I love you and I'll never leave you, just promise me you'll never selfharm because of that fucking womanizer. I love you Loulou <3 ' I smiled at the text, then I suddenly glared at my bandaged wrist. I cant lie to Liam. I just cant. 'Sorry baby..Im so sorry..I just...should've seen it before I...' I couldnt write 'cut' cause I knew it's hurt him even more. I took my fluffy plushy carrot in my arms and let myself fall on the bed, phone still in my hand. It suddenly buzzed and I jumped up a bit, but winced in pain as I hurt my arm. 'I am so sorry Lou ! I really am ! I should've write it earlier ! Im sorry baby I couldnt stop you...But you know I cant talk cause mum's here and I cant talk ..sorry you loads ' A tear escaped my eye and ran down my cheek. He was so caring and felt the need to apologize for everything ! I wrote him a sweet text and, without bothering to change into pajamas, I leaned into my bed and slowly fell asleep, cuddling with my plush carrot . 

Next morning, I woke up feeling very tired. I checked my phone, as i did every morning, and I saw two texts. One from Liam, and one from...Harry ?! I replied to Liams usual morning text, with a sweet caring text towards him, and then I opened my text from Harry. 'We need to meet. Endroom Park. You. Me. No one else. Meet me at 8am. ' I looked at the clock which showed 7:53, so i rushed to the closet and grabbed some clothes. I tried to call harry, but he didnt answer. I just hoped he was going to apologize. 

---in the park---

'Harry !!' I yelled into the empty alleys, wanting an answer. And the answer was no way the one I expected. I felt a fist connecting with my back and I fell on the floor. 'Well, well, look who is here..' Harry said in a low tone. His eyes went from angry to soft in no time. "you're late louis' he said nicely to me. I was so confused right now and I felt like the pain was taking cotrol over me. I didnt know what to do so i just looked at him in the eyes and I hoped he was going to say what he actually wanted in the first place and then I could go home like nothing ever ever happened. 'Why are you like this ?' He asked me softly, but then his eyes were filled with anger again. 'Why did you just fucking appear into my fucking life and messed up everything ?!' I opened my mouth and said 'I didn'd do anything Harry..L-like you came to me ! YOU ruined my life !' I got up and made sure my clothes weren't dirty. I continued 'My life isn't perfect, you know Styles ?! And I am gay, and you have no fucking idea how it feels ! Being judged, being criticated for who you are.They think it's a decision Harry ! They think I can be cured ! You have no idea how it feels to-' His eyes filled with tears of anger 'I do Tomlinson, I so fucking do ! You don't know me and my life was pretty good and you have no idea how much I regret coming to you Louis ! You have no idea ! And you also know what ?! I didn't want you to know this because you'd have fantesies, and boy you'd be so fucking wrong !!' He screamed at me angrily and then took a deep breath. 'Im fucking bisexual Tomlinson' He said pushing me against a tree, holding me by my neck. 'You have no idea how it feels to be called gay when you are actually bi. It's a fucking difference ! And I know how it feels, okay dickhead ? Everybody judges me, lot of people hate me and I didn't do anything to them . So I fucking know how it feels ! ' He spilled out the last words and tightened his grip on my neck. 'I- I can't bre-breath' I muttered and he smirked, pushing me harder against the tree for one last time. He pushed me on the ground and leaned on his back, motioning me to join him. 'I imagined this to be dfferent' He muttered softly, turning his gaze towards me.

[a/n] Oh my gawsh you have no idea how sorry i am for not updating in like forever but I was so busy ugh. anyways, hope you liked it ! xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2014 ⏰

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