Chapter 14

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Princess Rivatha's P.O.V
Jace is limping, and it's noticeable. But every time either Jenna or I bring it up, he dismisses it. We are in a tavern. So far no one has recognized me but I don't know just yet. I look at Jace's arm, where the dog bit him. The crowd around us is quite lively.

"Maybe we should get your leg checked out Jace." Jenna said. She is sitting next to me.

"I said I'm fine." Jace snapped. I look down at my plate. I know when he gets like this it's best to just leave it alone. But this isn't something that should be left alone. Sure he wrapped his leg, but what if it gets inflected or something?

"Jace, what if it-" The front doors burst open letting troops in. "Jace." Jace looks and then at us.

"Keep your head down Princess." He whispered. I look down pulling my hood up. But the troops conversation isn't exactly quiet. I peek a look at them seeing singed clothing and hair, and burns on their skin. What happened to them?

"We were close to snagging the Prince." One of the guards said. My eyes widen a little. That's my brother!

"Seems like Seto cooked them." Jenna whispered. Jace and I smile. It does.

"We would have gotten that cat if he didn't suddenly show up." Another one said to the owner. Ooohhhh. Now I get it. You don't lay your hands on Amarisa without Seto's approval. He'll cook you alive if you try to hurt Amarisa.

"What fools." I said to myself. I see pain flash across Jace's face, worrying me. I look at him and he meets my eyes. He must see the worry because he looks away.

"I'm fine guys. Just a bite." He said.

"Yeah now we got three brats that left the kingdom." A trooper said. Panic emerges in the pit of my stomach, that's us.

"Calm down. Stay calm." Jace said quietly to me. I look at my empty plate.

"Anything else guys?" Alice asks walking over to us.

"Um no. We'll be leaving now." Jenna said. Jace and I are too well known for the palace, Jenna isn't. So she is gonna do most of the talking, Jace will do the fighting, and me? Absolutely nothing. Jenna hands Alice the money for the meal as the guards start to look over at is. Jace gets up, limping slightly. Alice leaves. Jenna and I get up. But before we could move a guard comes over to us, over to Jace.

"That's quite the limp you get there." He said.

Jace's P.O.V
Yeah I know. And it hurts too. I look at the guard. I clench my one fist in my coat pocket. No, getting into a fight isn't good. I'm outnumbered and I got two girls to protect here. He puts two fingers in my chest.

"Hey you deaf or spmething? I'm talking to you." The guard said. I meet the guard's eyes.

"Yeah. I can hear ya." I said. I recognize this guard too. And all the other ones. His eyes widen. I see his hand move to his sword handle in a way that a normal citizen wouldn't see, but I ain't no normal citizen.

"Tyler." Jenna said suddenly stopping my move to grab the guard's fingers and break them. I look at Jenna. "Come on honey, let's go." Honey? Jenna and the Princess come over to me. "I'm sorry about my husband, he is sometimes hard at hearing and well a clutz. He hurt himself this morning when he was fixing our broken staircase." The guard looks at Jenna and crosses his arms.

"Okay. But better watch yourselves. Dangerous times. I assume you know." He said.

"About the wizard Prince cleaving? Yes." Jenna said. The guard nods.

"Alright, move along." He said. Jenna grabs my arm and we leave the tavern and into an alley.

"Good thinking Jenna." The Princess said.

"Well I knew a fight was gonna happen and we don't need that so I took care of it." Jenna said.

"Honey?" I ask.

"I was improvising. We know the Prince has been getting around." Jenna said. I lean against the wall, taking the weight off my left leg. It will heal, it just needs time. "We need horses in order to get to Elidin Kingdom, walking is taking forever." Yeah it is. I look over at the stables seeing three perfectly good horses.

"We are not stealing." The Princess said.

"What?" I ask looking at her.

"I know that look. It's your let's cause trouble look." The Princess said.

"We are not stealing them, we are borrowing them without asking and never intend on returning." I said. We walk over to them. I smile. They are guard horses. Even better. The ride to Elidin Kingdom will be long, but worth it. I climb onto the horse.

"That's still stealing." Jenna said. I help the Princess up and she sits behind me. She puts her arms around my waist. Jenna gets on a horse.

"Well the situation calls for it. Come on." I said. We walk out and then the guards see us. "Follow me Jenna!"
I deep my heels into my horse's sides and they break into a gallop and Jenna follows. The guards are gonna be looking for us now, but we have a head start at least and they are down two horses. We leave the town and head towards the Elidin Kingdom.

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