No Is Not An Answer

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Bumblebee's p.o.v

"Bumblebee run get the humans to safety"! Dad yelled bringing out his sword then charging I whirred and ran off, oh how this was not my lucky day. I looked back real fast and saw Crosshairs on the ground and he had his optics off I stopped and my wings dropped. "Bumblebee....I'm sorry". Tessa said patting me I didn't answer I felt my frame shudder from the cold. "Bumblebee your getting cold". Cade said I looked at myself and saw I was starting to frost. "It's just frost...I'll be fine". I said and ran I looked up to see the sun starting to appear. "Were almost out". I buzzed. When we got out I felt the frost come off and start to melt creating water. "Thanks Bumblebee". Shane said as they all took off there coats I had given them from the backseat. "No prob...I need to go back...wait here". I said and ran back in I kept running till I saw my Dad and the rest of the team. Crosshairs had been put out of the way and Hound was working on him I growled and walked over to Hound. "How is he?" I questioned looking him up and down. "He was hit pretty hard." Hound said and looked at me. "He is gonna be fine." He then looked back to his work I growled and ran to help. As I ran Drift was thrown to the snow and he dropped his swords he shuddered with coldness I ran over to him and grabbed his sword I gave it to him he smiled. "Lets kill this thing!" Drift yelled I only nodded. We ran at it and I shot as Drift stabbed. Optimus would slice. The next thing I know I'm stuck on the ground I'm to cold to fight my systems shut down I gave out.

Crosshairs p.o.v

I woke up to see we were in the desert I groaned and sat up. "Hey there buddy." Drift said and held out his hand I accepted it and he pulled me up. "Who killed the damn thang?" I asked and looked around. "Optimus did." He spoke back. My optics fell on one in particular. "Bee?" I asked and I saw Drift look down. "He...he got to c-cold". Drift said looking at the ground and up to me. "Optimus...took it hard...I know you will."Drift said. "He...he's offline?" I asked not believing a word. "We're sorry Hairs." Drift answered I looked to see Optimus sitting on a rock he was looking down for once. "No...he can't be." I started to vent fast. "Crosshairs were sorry there was nothing else we could do." I then jumped up awake. "NO!" I yelled and fell off of something like a bed. I looked around to see I was in the desert and I saw that I had fallen off of a rock I was sleeping on. "Crosshairs!" I heard a loud yell then I stood up and turned around and saw Bumblebee he then lunged himself at me and hugged me tightly. "Oh thank the Primes." I whispered under my breath. "Your ok." I said then Hound came up behind Bumblebee. "Not really...his systems had shut down due to the cold." Hound said as he glared. "Oh..." I trailed off. "His frame is smaller than ours it doesn't take long for a youngling." Hound scoffed. Bumblebee let go and lowered his door wings. "There is something your not telling me." I said looking to Drift who wouldn't look me in the optics and then to Bumblebee who was looking at Hound who was still glaring. "What is it?" I asked looking at Hound he then took out his weapons and pointed it at Bumblebee then before I knew it. I saw Optimus tied up behind me. "Trap." I breathed. "Right you are Autobot." Hound said but that's the thing it wasn't Hound, Hound was also tied up with Optimus. The Hound in front of me pointed his other gun at me. Then Drift was dragged away. The Hound that had his gun pointed at me then changed to SoundWave. "Sly son of a glitch." I growled. "Language." He said and chuckled. Bumblebee looked at me and I saw he was still a bit cold I felt it..he needed to be defrosted. "Take the yellow one and throw it in the lab...the rest in the cage". Barricade slobbered. We were then dragged to a building then thrown into a cage but Bumblebee wasn't. "Don't take him!" Optimus yelled and hit the cage. "Oh so the Prime does have a young one." A voice boomed and a whole bunch of metal pieces came from another room and landed in front of us making a form and it became the one and now only Galvetron. "Now take the young one." He laughed and walked along but Tessa spoke up. "No give him back!" She screamed. "Or what?" He laughed again. "What do you mean or what there is no other option give him back!" She yelled I smiled like the devil. "Don't have to don't wanna...I can make my own choices." He seethed and walked away. 10 minutes later,Bumblebee was yelling and we could hear him in pain I lost it.

Drift's p.o.v

I watched as Crosshairs practically lost it. "Crosshairs clam down!" I yelled as I tried to grab him but he pushed me back. "You try to calm down THEY ARE DISMANTLING BUMBLEBEE AT THIS MOMENT!" Crosshairs yelled back he stopped and fell to his knees and punched the bars. "And I can't do nothing about it." He whispered. I got up and sighed I looked to the humans who were looking to the ground like the answer was there. What was the question they wanted answered though? "Crosshairs Bumblebee knows what to do....we know what to do." Optimus said with a small smile. Then it all went silent no Bumblebee screeching from the pain. I looked out at the door where they had dragged Bumblebee then all of a sudden Bumblebee burst threw it and falls he was thrown threw the door he made a loud whirr and turned over and looked at us his wings went up and he stumbled as he got up I saw that one of his wings were dangling but the other was perked up with happiness. "Bee!" Hound yelled. "Good to see you too." Bumblebee said threw the radio. He then got the door opened. "Thanks." I said smiling and grabbing my swords from the table. "Let's get out of here Autobots." Optimus said and we ran out and Bumblebee grabbed Tessa and I grabbed Shane. Optimus and Shane rode together. We all transformed and sped all the way back to base our mission....was a fail. We were suppose to get the militaries priceless stone. But that didn't happen now a days I feel like a retriever. But apparently it's not from this planet but from Mars where we were first sighted. "Im sorry that we have failed." Optimus said and stopped we all transformed. "It's not a fail..sir." Bumblebee said setting down Tessa and opening his space compartment. "They had it on there desk." Bumblebee said holding the stone in his hands and giving it to Optimus. "Good job Bumblebee." Optimus said grasping the stone and smiling. "That's how I roll!" Bumblebee blasted threw his radio and punched the air. We laughed. "Let's get to base the humans will be much obliged". Optimus said transforming and letting Cade Yeager in. So we did too and took off.

Hound's p.o.v

We had finally reached base and transformed. "Back already Autobots". Charlotte said looking back to us. "I hope you don't spend all your time here." I laughed. "Did you get the stone?" Charlotte asked looking to Optimus who had the stone and gave it to her. "Thank you." She said and set the stone in the safe behind her. I then looked at Bumblebee who's door wing was practically dangling from his form. "Bumblebee come here." I groaned and he buzzed then walked over. I fixed his wing as quickly as I could and let him free I then watched as Crosshairs went over to him he hugged him and Bumblebee had his head buried in his chassis I smiled at the sight and walked off to fuck off with some humans.

Crosshairs p.o.v

When I hugged the kid he snuggled his head into my chassis I smiled and hugged him tighter. "I won't loose ya again Bee." I said and petted his head. "You never did." He answered and purred like a cat when I petted him.  Soon I heard him breathing slower i looked down at him and I saw he was asleep. "You got his soft spot." Optimus said I looked to my left side and saw Optimus walking towards me. "Soft spot?" I asked picking Bumblebee up bridle style. "You pet his head where his antennae's are located and he falls asleep, I had learned this when he was just a sparkling." Optimus said back with a smile. "When he was a sparkling well look at him Optimus still a youngling only about 17 vorns old." I said walking to Bumblebee's berth room with Optimus following me. "He proves that he is about 20 but isn't that's why he is trusted...even though he can of course be childish at times but thats what happens when his childhood had been ridden with war." Optimus sighed. "Well he's asleep now." I grumbled and shut the door to his room. "I think we all need recharge." Optimus said obviously not wanting to talk about Bumblebee's sad life. "Indeed." Drift said as we entered the main room in the army er Autobot base. "Sounds good!" Hound said swatting Drift on the back where he almost fall over.

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