What You Are To Me

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Hound's p.o.v

"Get a move on"! I called out to Drift who was slowing down. "Shut it Hound or I swear I will transform and kick you ass"! He yelled back and I revved my engine loud. "Is that a threat"! I yelled at him and he transformed in front of me which made me stop and transform too. "Knock it off"! Crosshairs yelled but we ignored it and hit each other. "We will stop here for the night". Optimus said looking  at the now dark sky then back down to us. He shook his head and walked to a rock and looked out to no where. "I'm gonna kick your ass boy"! I yelled and hit Drift again.

Shane's p.o.v

I got out of the car and took Tessa's hand in mine so she could get out easily. "When you feel the love toni....". Bumblebee's radio started to boom out but Cade slapped his hood. "Nuh uh buddy". He said and Bumblebee transformed and picked Cade up and me and Tessa snickered below. "I can throw you into that battle over there". Bumblebee's radio sang out as he pointed over to Hound and Drift's battle. "No no I'm good now please put me down". Cade laughed nervously. "Good boy". Bumblebee teased and ruffled Cade's hair after setting him down gently. "I'm tired". Tessa yawned and leaned on me. "Lets go get some shut eye. "Hey Optimus care if we sleep in your bunker"? Cade asked and Optimus looked down at us and spoke "I do not mind at all my friends". He said and transformed for us and we climbed in the back. Me and Tessa was about to get in a bed when Cade stopped us. "I don't think so". He said. "Then how else are we suppose to sleep"? I asked and he pointed to me and him then a bed. "Oh come on dad". Tessa huffed. "Fine Tessa honey your sleeping with me". He said and she groaned and got in a bed with her dad. 

Bumblebee's p.o.v

Crosshairs finally broke up Drift and Hound's war that was going on back on the road and they came and sat down with me. "Time to hit the sack". Hound said and fell over into sleep. I buzzed and fell backwards I sighed and then watched  as Crosshairs and Drift layed back and shut their optics. So I did too.

Crosshairs p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of rattling and sat up. "Crosshairs you hear that"? Drift asked on the side of me I looked at him and nodded then looked at Bumblebee who was shivering creating the racket. "He's cold". Drift said from my left side. "Guess you'll have to keep him warm big brother". Drift laughed. I vented and brought Bumblebee to my right side. "You really do care for that kid a lot huh". Hound said sleepily. "Ya I g-guess so". I said with a small smile. I put my arm around his small chassis well small compared to mine and brought him in close. "Optimus can't keep him warm right now so I can fill in.....he is a little brother figure to me and that's how it's gonna stay". I said before I felt Bee start to warm up. "Good night". Drift said. "Good night". I said then Hound did. "Good night". I heard Optimus then say. I froze and sat up. "It is fine with me Crosshairs.....just don't loose him". Optimus spoke before I heard his systems shut down for recharge I relaxed and put my arm back over Bee's chassis then went into a peaceful recharge.


Bumblebee's p.o.v

I woke up with something wrapped around my chassis I looked down to see it was an arm and started to get scared but then realized it belonged to the one and only. "Crosshairs"? I asked and he said "huh"? And I smiled and then realized  how much taller he was than me I knew this because my head was on his chassis. "I just realized that your like a helm taller than me cause my helm is located on your chassis". I laughed. I felt him chuckle and he picked his arm off of me and got up I also got up and saw that Drift had already been up and he was meditating. "Well look who got there sweet god damn time to meditate". Crosshairs teased and Drift let out a sigh that looked like he deflated. "Look who woke up from making sure the wind wouldn't hurt the young one". Drift teased back and I watched as Crosshairs growled as a warning. "Morning". I said to Hound who yawned then scratched his beard. "Morning kid". He said then patted my head. "Hey Prime just wake them humans up". Hound yelled to Dad. "I do not wish to disturb the humans slumber". He replied and I smiled at Hound's groan. I then watched as Cade,Tessa and Shane all got out as they stretched and yawned. "Ready to get back on the road"? I asked threw the radio. "Sure". Cade said and we all transformed. "Bee is it ok if I ride with Crosshairs"? Shane asked and I put my blinkers on as an 'sure' sign. "Thanks....Tessa"? Shane then asked as Tessa opened my door and Shane gestured for an asking if she wanted to come with. "Nah me and Bee like to talk". She smiled and he nodded. I then watched as Cade hopped into Optimus and he took off so we all followed. We were about 1 hour into our drive when three black cop cars entered my view. "We have company"! My voice rang out I was in the very back of everyone. "Try and put run them first if not we will fight"! Optimus said going at full speed so we did too. "Hang on Tessa". I said threw my real voice. "I am Bee". She said and clutched the door handle tightly. After five minutes we realized it was not gonna happen. "We're gonna have to..Ah"! I was yelling but was knocked in the back. "Hang on"! Optimus yelled. Then all of a sudden two cars at once rammed into the back of me and I went airborne I transformed so the impact wouldn't be harsh and I held Tessa close so she wouldn't be harmed I then landed on my chassis and held her out as I slid across the road. "TESSA"! Shane and Cade yelled as they jumped out of the vehicles and the rest the team transformed after they had stopped. "She fine". I said threw my radio setting Tessa down safely and her dad hugged her then her mate. "Hide"! I yelled as I started to get up and felt pain but it didn't bother much then I heard others transform and saw the Decepticon's. "Bumblebee"! Optimus and Hound yelled. I went optics wide when one jumped up on me as I rolled to where my door wings were on the asphalt. It growled and tried to claw at me but I took out my cannon and shot threw it then threw it off of me. I then ran to the team. "Ya alright Bee"? Crosshairs asked looking at me worriedly. "Fine". I said and he smiled with a nod and shot a con down. "Nice". I complimented and he shrugged.

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