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Duncan's POV:
I couldn't help but stare at her  soaked dress. She was pretty angry at me for getting her head to toes wet, and I didn't mean in a sexual way either. I honestly didn't care, she squinted at me as her friend left her alone to talk to Geoff, but being the most generous person I know, I kicked my feet up and marched over to her, she looked me up and down and rolled her eyes.

"What do you want?!" She asked angrily. I was asking myself if I should really help her out and get her a new outfit. She was pretty snobby, at least towards me. But I guess that's how all these girls act.

"Come with me." I immediately led the way, whether she was following me or not, I too needed clothes, for I was only in my boxers, and my thighs begun to itch.

Courtney's POV:
I was tempted to follow him so I looked at Bridgette who gave me a sign to go. I sighed and sprinted after him, I felt a shiver run down my spine as he smirked. After pushing and shoving drunk teens out of my way we finally made it to a pink bedroom.

"Nice choice of room paint," I said with a faint smile.

"So you think you're funny?" He asked playfully tossing a pillow at me, I quickly dodged it and removed my wet hair out of my face.  He then threw a towel at my face, making it pretty clear what it was for. We both dried up and tossed the towel on the floor.

"I don't know if you wear these types of clothes, they're not fashionable," he said scavenging through a box of women clothes. I rolled my eyes and sat on the bed.

"If you're looking for one of those snobby rich girls you're looking in the wrong direction buddy," I said under my breathe.

"Oh really, so you're not a little brat who gets whatever she wants from mommy and daddy?" He continued, now with a rude tone. He stood up and turned around revealing a skimpy dress, "Here this is the only dress Geoffs sister owns."

I snatched the dress out of his hand, "You know for a guy who looks like he gets judged by the way he dresses, you're really falling into one of those crowds, besides, I do not need to explain myself to someone like you."  I looked at the dress and blushed. "I can't wear this."

"Someone like me?" He asked nonchalantly. He rolled his eyes and shrugged, "Either wear the dress or sit in here till your dress dries," he walked into the bedrooms bathroom leaving the door wide open.

I shrugged and unzipped my dress, revealing my body to the empty room, I turned around just in case he came back into the room and I put the dress on, it was tight but cute. "A narcissistic asshole," I softly shouted so that he could hear me. I heard a chuckle and I immediately blushed.

"Sounds like you're judging me too," he said revealing himself. He was wearing torn up jeans and a hat to cover his drenched hair. "You look sexy in that by the way," he commented nonchalantly.

I smiled at him and picked up my wet clothes, laying them somewhere so they could dry. We both exited the room and went downstairs, finding a guy with black hair playing his guitar as people slow danced and made out with their partners. I looked around to see where Bridgette was and my eyes fixated at the two blondes making out on the couch.

"What's your name?" The guy with the blue eyes asked, as he danced next to me, expecting me to join him. I chuckled and fell into his trap. Placing my arm around his shoulder as he gripped onto my curvy waist.

"Courtney, yours?"

"Duncan."  He smirked, "You know for a bratty rich kid, you're not that bad." He complimented?

"And for a narcissistic asshole, pig,  and ogre, you're more of a pig." I replied.

"You never called me a pig before..."

"I guess I forgot to say it to your face." I answered. We both laughed as we gazed into each others eyes. There it was again, the feeling like it was just us in the room.

"Would your boyfriend mind if I kissed you?" He asked smoothly. The thought of Justin made me angrier than I was when Duncan wet my clothes.

"He is not my boy-

Duncan's POV:
I couldn't help myself so I cut her off and through my lips on hers, at first she was shocked but I felt her lips move with mine, something about her made me want to be around her. She was gorgeous. We pulled away as soul train stopped playing his guitar, the crowd cheered for him, Courtney blushed and hesitantly clapped. In the corner of my eye I could see Gwen winking at me, she nodded her head, gesturing me to go upstairs with her. I looked back at Courtney who was now starring at me with a bright red face.

"Courtney, we have to leave or your mom will kill both of us!" Her blonde friend shouted

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