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"There's the little rat, come on!" The voices grew louder and I finally saw the people who were shouting at the kid. He looked back at them and jumped into the car just as the light turned green and off we went leaving his mess behind.

I looked straight forward alright, I didn't know what to say to him so we sat in a mist of silence. He pulled his hair back and out came his face. He was breathtaking, but who was I to admit that? But even with that question in mind, I blushed immediately.

After interrupting each other, the silence continued with just two unspoken words. I slowly turned my head to look at him and I surprisingly caught him staring down at me. He smirked again. "Thanks, for saving me back there," he said under his minty breath.

"You're welcome ..." I replied softly. I didn't know what else to say, I was very curious  as to why he was running, why he was being chased, and did I help him commit a crime? I was thinking too much of course. But with high confidence, I blurted out, "Why were they chasing you anyways?"

He sighed and looked at me with sore eyes. "My mother has been dearly ill for days now, all I wanted was for her to get better so I got some medicine from this stand that they owned and without paying, I ran off.." he continued softly, "I just wanted her to heal," I was left worried. "Nah, I'm just kidding, I cheated my way through poker," he continued nonchalantly, "and they found out, those fat guys should thank me for getting their blood pumping and making them run, they basically lost some pounds because of m—"

"Do you know how rude it is to lie like that? I mean, do you have no morals, I actually felt bad for you and your 'sick mother' you, you, asshole!" I shouted.

"Hey, nobody told you to let me in, I could have gotten away without your help."' He said calmly. I rolled my eyes.

"Yea and what if they caught you? You'd be sleeping with the fishes."

"Yea well why do you care? you don't even know me."

"That doesn't matter, I thought it'd be a good thing to help someone but I guess it backfired on my hand, you ungrateful jerk."

"Nice one, you really got me with the jerk part." He rolled his eyes.


"What!?" I shouted loudly at the chauffeur, not realizing my own tone of voice. I apologized immediately.

"We have arrived Miss."

The black haired kid opened the door and got out quickly. I immediately got out after him. "Hey we're not done here!" I softly shouted at him.

"Yea well I'm done, go home to mommy and daddy, rich girl," He said as he hopped his fence and walked to his front door.

"Well you go back to your juvenile detention hall you caveman!" I huffed and sashayed back into the car.

And with that I arrived home.

"Courtney? Did you get my things?" My mother asked right as I entered the house. I handed her the two packages she had to get from the post office, though it closes at 6pm she was able to pull strings and have someone wait their so I could get her items. She opened it up and out came a long silk dress.

I left the scene and made my way up the stairs, ready to shower and sleep. "Oh Courtney, don't forget tomorrow we have dinner with the Rosario's, make sure to cancel all your 8pm plans!" My mom shouted from downstairs.

"Alright mother." It's not like I go out anyways, the only places I go is my bestfriends' house. Speaking of best friends, I left my phone on the table, she must have called dozen of times.

< Bridgette
Hey Courtney, I'm totally bored would you like to hangout tonight? Maybe watch a movie and eat all the things we're not allowed to eat? 

Courtney >
Sorry Bridgette, just got home looks like I can't tonight, maybe Monday after school.

I replied and hopped into the shower.
"You don't even know me." I remembered what he said exactly. I wonder who he is.

Duncan's POV:
I walked into my lively house, my parents sitting on the couch along with my older brothers and younger sister, they starred at the tv as it premiered Oz the great and powerful on the screen. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed myself a plate of food and walked up the stairs.

"And where do you think you're going?" My dad asked with his eyes still darted on the tv.

"My room? I mean I think that's where I'm going." I replied sarcastically.

"We're watching a movie as a family and it would be great if my son joined us."

"No thanks, I rather spend a night in jail."

"You already did that last week, I mean you live in a house with 3 police officers, you'd think you'd act like a decent person and stop the rebellion." He said as he walked towards me.

I rolled my eyes and continued to go upstairs causing my dad to shout yet another night, I entered my room and locked the door.

"Get back here young man! This conversation is far from over!" He shouted at the dust I left behind.
"Come on Gerald, just leave him alone, one day he'll stop." My mother said.

"One day is too far for Duncan."

Thanks to everyone following and liking all my stories, now here's *another one*

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