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We held hands as we walked into the Bristo together. Everyone looked at us, but I smiled and he looked ahead nonchalantly. He sat me down in a booth as his friend Geoff looked up at us. "Duncan, tooth paste," He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Skater flake." Duncan chuckled. Geoffs been calling me every white thing he can think of because of how pale my skin is. He thinks it's funny until I throw shots at his skateboarding skills. I rolled my eyes once more as he squinted. He ruffled my hair playfully as if I was a dog and went back to eating his food as if we weren't just criticizing each other.

"Give me some!" Duncan shouted as he threw his hands at Geoffs plate. The blonde rolled his eyes and smacked his best friends hand away from his food.

"Get your own damn fries."

After a few minutes of talking and eating Duncan and Geoff begun to talk about the women in their lives. I looked at Duncan as he continued to talk about the lost feelings he had for the girl who walked in on us at the party. I smiled.

"She's ashamed of dating someone like me." He revealed.  Geoff smirked wildly, making both me and Duncan uncomfortable.

"Just a few weeks ago you hated this girl,  even said you had no feelings for her, and now you just said 'dating' and 'her' in a sentence?" He said.  Duncan looked at him angrily.

"So what?" He squinted. "What if I liked her? I don't anymore, Gwenny and I are going to try out this dating shit anyways." He said as he winked at me.

Courtney's POV:
"Come on Courtney, stop being a wuss." I looked at Bridgette as she continued to pull me towards the Bristo. "He's waiting for you and you're not standing him up!" She softly shouted as she threw me into the building.

Eyes begun to fall on us, making me even more embarrassed about what I was doing. For weeks my mother had given me the cold shoulder, ever since I told her that I had feelings for someone ... lower class. Today she entered my bedroom with an outfit and told me I was going on a blind date, an arranged date between parents. So now, I'm at the Bristo, starring down at my date.

Earlier this morning
"He will be wearing a purple tie to compliment your purple dress. He's tall, white, and has auburn hair." She said as I looked her up and down. "You said you didn't want Justin, so I'm giving you another option, because you are not dating that mischief."

"Courtney?" He said standing from his seat. I walked over to him and sat down, ignoring the hug he was trying to give me.  "So, tell me about yourself!" He said enthusiastically.  I looked back at Bridgette and rolled my eyes as she gave me two thumbs up.

"I don't know what to say ... I don't want to be here?" I stated.  He chuckled. 

"I know how you feel, I understand you were forced into this date, as did I. But we can at least try to get along, for our parents sake," he commented. He was quite charming, he was cute too, not going to lie, but I still felt nothing for him. And I despised my mother for what she had did.

"What's your name?" I asked, now trying to make conversation.

"Scott Wallis." Of course my mother would set me up with the son of one of the most famous entrepreneur, Benjamin Wallis.  Their net worth was equivalent to ours of course. Why else would my mom put me in this position. 

"Well Courtney, I must say, you are the most gorgeous person I've ever seen, those photos my father showed me did you no justice." He flirted. I blushed. He smiled. And I held my head down in embarrassment.

"Duncan, chill!"

I looked behind me and saw him staring me down as his friend held unto his shoulder. Two months, It's been one month since I last seen him and all I can see is how he looked at Scott as if he wanted to kill him and back at me as if I hurt him.

"Duncan ..." I whimpered. He scoffed.

"So, I see you found yourself a new man? What Justin wasn't good enough for mommy and daddy?!" He screamed down at us, causing a scene.

"Maybe we should go outside!" Geoff added in. Bridgette rolled her eyes and walked up to Duncan.

"You know nothing about her so quite acting like a psycho!" Bridgette shouted at the punk. He rolled his eyes and walked out of the diner. Along with the rest of us.

"I know well enough that I'm being played!" He shouted back at her.

"If she wanted to be with you she would, but unfortunately she has to obey by her mothers rules and be with someone she approves of. She has no say in her life because if she doesn't do what her mother says it won't look good for her future." She continued

"Bridgette ... sto—"

"No Courtney, he has no right to scream at you and Scott and embarrass you like that in front of all those people, not everyone has parents who lets them do what they want, when they want, and how they want!"

"If I may add Bridgette? If these two do have feelings for each other, which he clearly does for her, I may know how to help them." We all looked up at the tall ginger as he finished his sentence.


I'm back and I'm better


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