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"Where we goin'?" I asked Ryan for the millionth time since I been in the car.

And for the millionth time he ignored me continuing to drive.

"Are you kidnapping me?" I blurted the first thing that came to mind out.

"Girl ain't nobody kidnappin' you." He glance over at me chuckling.

"Then where are we going?" I asked again, agitated a little.


"Ryan no!" I panic a little.

"I ain't droppin' you off, so calm down." He spoke calmly.

Something I learned about him, everything he does, he's so relaxed and unfazed.

"Why are we going there?"

"Why you askin' so many questions ma?"

"Why you not answering any of them dude?" I emphasized dude.

"You can't answer a question with a question." He laughed "And call me dude again."

"Dude!" I said boldly

"Oh you got heart today huh?" He grinned.

"Something like that." I smirked.

Turning the corner, we enter the hood. Cringing, memories of two days ago flood my mind.

"You good?" Ryan put his hand on my thigh. Flinching he quickly removed his hand. "My fault."

"It's okay." I mumbled, looking outside at the raggedy buildings.

Feeling the car slow down, Ryan cruised up on Ray's corner store. As usual the dope boys was out there, leaning again the walls.

"Which one?" Ryan asked as the car came to a stop in the middle of the street.

"Him." I pointed at Trey.

His homies and him looked dumbfounded, as they stare at the car trying to figure out who was in it. Luckily the widows were tinted and they couldn't see in.

"Bet." Ryan nodded his head, driving off slowly.

"I thought you already knew who he was?"

"Can just go around fuck people gotta make sure." Pulling up to my complex, he parked on the side.

"Need clothes don't you?" Ryan spoke before I could.

"Yea." I mumbled, unbuckling my seatbelt.

Getting out the car, we walked in the run down, smelly building. Waiting for the elevator doors to open, I looked over at Ryan, analyzing his features.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." He said walking onto the elevator.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes following suit.

"They gon' get stuck one day." He said matter factly.

Pressing three, I ignored him. The little ride up to my apartment was silent. Walking to my door I unlocked it, going in the place was half way empty.

"What the hell?!" I questioned to myself.

"What happen to your furniture cuz?" Ryan asked.

"You not funny!" I giggled, pushing him a little.

"Real shit where everything at?"

"Have I been her in two days? No." I answer my own question. "So how I'm suppose to know?"


The door opened, cutting him off. Both of us turned around to see my mother.

"Oh girl you not dead?" She said shocked.

"No I'm not dead!" I looked at her as if she lost her mind.

"Oh well!" She said shrugging.

"Where the furniture? Why are you pack things up? Where we goin'?"

"I haven't heard for you in two whole days and you come up in here askin' question like you paying bills." My mother walked past me collecting stuff putting it in boxes. "But if you must know...we-" She pointed between her and I. "We're not going no where, I'm moving in with my new man." She said excitingly.

"So where am I supposed to go?" My voice quivered a little.

"How about with him? Pretty sure that's where you been this whole time." My mother mumbled.

"Baby you almost ready?" A deep voice came from behind me.

"Yea babe! Just a few more things." She taped a box.

"Who are they baby?" The man walked between us coming into view.

"The neighbors kids." She said nonchalantly.

" She said nonchalantly

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