19.One Hell of a Night

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"Let's go." Ryan got out of the car, walking to my side to open the door. "You lookin' good." He licked his bottom lip, holding the door for me.

"Stop it." I walked in the restaurant.

"What I do?" He sound like the little boy from the Vine.

"Mhm. Keep playin'." I grabbed his hand.

Lookin' around the restaurant I realized there was no one there but a greeter.

"Red." Was all Ryan said, before the greeter lead us through the dining area.

Coming up to a table with a group of people seat down. One face stood out; Bambi. She smirked as I smiled at her.

"Wassup Red?" The man next to Bambi dapped Ryan, I guessing Bambi's old man.


"And this must be the special lady I hear bout twenty-four seven." He grabbed my hand kissing the back of it. "My name Ace."

"Jojo" I responded, looked over at Ryan smirking.

"Now why you tellin' her dat?" Ryan playfully scowled Ace. "Now she gon be feeling herself." Ryan pulled the chair next to Bambi out for me.

"Well I'll be damned. Who ever knew the infamous girlfriend was you?" Bambi nudged me being sarcastic she smiled.

"Fuck you." I giggled.

"Y'all know each other?" Ace lend forward.

"Yea." I smiled.

"Y'all two niggas rude." Bambi mushed the side of Ace's head. "Now what if we didn't know each other? We would sit next to each other uncomfortable as hell."

"Right." The girl across from me agreed. "My name Angel." She spoke softly as if she was really an angel

Sticking her hand out, I smiled shaking it.

"One, don't put yah hands on my son." Ace said playfully. "Two-" he pointed his finger in her face "two--oww ow, girl stop it." He begged for Bambi to let his figure go.

The whole table sat there entertained, laughing at them.

"You gon stop?"

"Yea babe let my finger go." Ace whined.

"Respect my gangsta'." She let his finger go.

"These niggas." Ryan whispered shaking his head in

"We gotta problem Red?" Bambi raised an eyebrow.

"You gon let her talk to me like that?" Ryan looked at me.

"Yes. I'm as much scared of her as the rest of us." Everyone laughed and nodded agreeing with me.

"Punk." He teased.

"Yes I am." I smiled.

"I ain't scared of that bitch." Some girl walking up to the table said in a nasty tone, making everyone at the table go silent.

"Well congratulations to you bitch." Angel tuned her face up.

"Mhm." The girl with an attitude rolled her eyes, before sitting down next to the ending chair.

"This bitch always ruining shit." Bambi stated to no one in particular.

"You hungry?" Ryan whispered in my ear.

I looked at him and knew he was the love of my life. No I'm not being dramatic. Anytime a man just know you hungry he a keeper.

"You a real one." I bit my knuckle, fake crying

"You so dramatic." Ryan laughed.

"Aye where Big at?" Ace yelled towards the end of the table.

"You talkin' to me?" The girl with a nasty attitude asked.

"Bi-" Ace stopped himself "Yes Kiana I'm talkin' to you." He reframed.

"I don't know da fuck." She rolled her eyes, with a mug on her face.

"Bitch you already ugly I don't why you lookin' like that." Bambi said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Bitch shut up before I come over there-"

"And do what?" Bambi asked calmly. "Girl just because you Big's bitch you think you untouchable huh? News flash bitch!! You not I don't give a flyin' fuck who you are, you still can get fucked up. So be quiet and look like the ugly orangutan that you are."

"Mhhm. Dat that." I broke the silence, making everyone bust out laughing.

"I like you." Angle smiled.

"Y'all ready to eat?" A heavy set dude, I'm guessing 'Big' walked in with waitresses following him with platters of food.

"Finally a nigga more hungry then two fat bitches fighting over at ghetto burger." Ace looked relieved.

" Ace looked relieved

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