3.What's Real

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I swear I just don't know what happen to the weekend. One minute it was here then it left.

"Wassup JoJo?" CiCi came up to me like every morning.

"Hey girly." I smiled

"I see you lookin' all cute or whatever. But the question is for who doe?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Why I can't just dress up for myself. Yknow it's a such thing called self love?"

"Nah!!" CiCi shook her head "Who the special nigga?"

"Nobody!" I laughed

"Sure, let me find out missy." She waged her finger.

"We'll start lookin'."

"Hey JoJo!" Aerin came up to me smiling.

Looking at Cindy she rolled her eyes, CiCi returned the gesture. For some reason since day one, they met they never like each other.

"Who you lookin' good for?"


"Surre!" Aerin nodded slowly being sarcastic.

"Why can't no one believe that?!" I threw my hands up.

"Mhkay." Aerin ignored the question. "See you at lunch love bug." She kissed my cheek walking away.

"Why you hang with her fat ass?" CiCi rolled her eyes.

"What the fuck is that posed to mean?" I caught an attitude.

"I ain't mean it like that Jhonni, I -"

"Nah you said what you meant." I got up dusting my dress off, fix my jean jacket. "For your information, I hang with her cause she coo' people. Unlike you she don't judge people by what's on the outside." I mugged her walking away.

"Jhonni!!" She called after me.

Ignoring her I continued to walk to class. Walking in I was the first one there besides Ms. Clark of course.

"Good morning Ms. Evans." She looked at me weirdly. "Not with Ms. Woods this morning I see." She raised an eyebrow.

"No ma'am." I sat in my normal seat. "Ms. Clark?" She looked up at me.

"Yes ma'am?"

"How would you feel if two of your closest friends didn't quite like each other? And one of them continues to talk down on the other. No matter what you say to that one friend."

"Zebras and lions are enemies right?" I nodded my head yes. "So why are you friends with a lion, sweetheart?"

Her answer had thrown me off. Why are you friends with a lion?, ran threw my head over and over to the bell rung. Everyone walked in looking dead going to their seats.

"Class pass up your homework up and do your bell ringer!" Ms. Clark said as the bell ringed

Passing my homework up, I drew a little picture in my note book since I already did the bell ringer.

"Yo?!" Ryan whispered, ignoring him I mind my business. "Ma!" He poked me in my side making me squeal a little.

"What?" I looked over at him.

"You gotta pencil or pen I can borrow?" He smiled.

"Not for you nigga." I mumbled, going back to drawing. "Hey!" Ryan took my pencil clean out my hand.

"Thanks baby girl." He winked

"Give it back!" I whined reaching out for it.

"Mhm. Maybe later." Ryan turned his body to the edge of the table where I couldn't reach, doing his work.

"You so annoying." I laughed, leaning back in my chair giving up.

"Why you ain't text me back Saturday?" Ryan looked over his shoulder at me.

"Cause maybe I don't like you." I said nonchalantly.

"But I like you." He mumbled with his head down.

"What?" I acted like I didn't hear him.

"Nothin' beautiful." He shook his head.


"Jhonni! Jhonni!" Cindy whispered.

Ignoring her, I reached in my book bag pulling a black pen out.

"Oh you had a pen the whole time? You wrong ma." Ryan chuckled.

"I said not for you nigga." I shrugged.

" I shrugged

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