This is how humanity walks

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It was really cold in Rome, that cold where you feel your skin cutting was what was making friends Guilherme and Rafael are inside the house at that time, playing video game, until they hear someone ringing the bell, they do not I wanted to get up for nothing

- Bianca, answer the door! - Rafael shouts from his room

Bianca was the housekeeper, she must have been 17, she was short and had her hair all curled, she answers the door and sees Daniel, was another friend of Rafael, he was smiling

- Are the boys here? - Daniel asks smiling, as if he had a surprise for them

- Sono sì, io li chiamo (Yes, I'll call them) - Bianca turns and shouts from where she was.  - Il suo amico Daniel è qui!(Your friend Daniel is here!)

- Speak for him to rise - Rafael shouts from his room

- si può andare (Can go)

- Thanks Bia - Daniel speaks entering the house

He climbs the stairs opens the door and finds both playing Street Fighter, Guilherme sitting on the bed and Rafael sitting on the floor

- I just think Mortal Kombat is better - Daniel says sitting on the chair

- I think it would be better if you shut the fuck up your mouth - Guilherme talks without taking your eyes off the TV

- What do you think about going to Marumbar today? - Daniel asks turning in the chair

- In this cold I do not leave the house - Rafael comments

- I brought something to cheer you up.- Daniel takes three packages of heroin from the pockets of her blouse. - And that's good.

Rafael ran to his bathroom, looked in the second drawer of the closet and found everything he needed there: syringes, needles, spoons and lighter, picked up his supplies and ran to the room again, Daniel poured some of the package into the spoon where Rafael started To warm up with the lighter, as soon as H was all melted, put the needle in the syringe, took some of the drug and applied it on his arm, then it was Guilherme and finally Daniel, Rafael took his instruments, washed each one of them, threw The needle was off and it was all in the drawer

- Are not you afraid your mother will find out? - Daniel asks

- This bathroom is the only one I use

Each one took his coat, left the room, went downstairs, Rafael saw that Bianca was in the room watching TV

- Bia, if my mother comes by, tell her I'm coming back soon.

Before Bianca gave the answer, the three of them left home, felt the cold wind on their faces, began to walk, all trembling with cold

- Dude, why did your mother and you decide to leave Scotland to come and live in Italy? - Guilherme asks

- Business matters, and the teaching here is better, why did you two leave the United States, who is a fucking first-world country to come and live in Italy? - Guilherme asks

- We won scholarships, but we live in the school housing - Guilherme explains for both

- If I tell you that I spent in Marombar before coming here and tell who I met there will not believe - Daniel speaks with support in both

- Who? - Guilherme asks with a frustrated face

- Kelly! She provided me with heroin.

- She is American? - Rafael asks

- Yes, and unlucky, she fought with her mother and took all the money and bought a ticket to Italy, where she became junkie, the story is long, any day ask her to tell you

Arriving at the Marumbar they sat on the counter, each ordered a dose of tequila, they were drinking one after the other, to see if the cold was passing, Rafael was drinking his fifth glass when he feels a cold hand on his shoulder, he turns and It was Kelly, she was very beautiful.

They hug each other when they see each other, Kelly grabs her hand and pulls him to the dance floor, where he was playing something with an electronic beat, the more they danced, the more desire grew, where they began to perform an erotic dance in the middle of the dance floor

Kelly again pulls Rafael out of the bar, runs through that huge parking lot

- Where are we going? - Rafael asks confused

- To heaven - Kelly responds smiling

She takes a metal clip from her skirt pocket, goes in a car where she's right in the back of the parking lot, unlocks the door, and the two of them enter, while Rafael is standing between the two front seats, Kelly sits in the back , Begins to look at Rafael with his malicious smile that only she knew how to do very well

- What are we going to do here? - Rafael asks still confused

Kelly takes off her panties under her skirt, pulls down Rafael's pants and underwear, where she begins to massage her instrument well, she places her two legs between the benches

- Fuck me! - She speaks in a sensual voice.

- You're amazing, Kelly.

Rafael begins to penetrate deep inside, they kiss to stifle the groans

Whoever passed by the parking lot could see very well that the car was shaking frantically, maybe they even saw some asses, penises, breasts or vagina through the glass

To tell the truth, those who passed by at that moment knew that the business was very good to finish


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