Bush beetle

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Kelly was looking at herself in the mirror, there was a picture of when she lived in the United States, you noticed her difference between good girl and junkie, dark circles, all messy hair, pretty pale skin, she needed to go to school to solve that The director, took her bath, brushed her teeth, combed her hair and put on a good makeup to hide her dark circles, looked in her wardrobe, and looked for the clothes that fit her best, her black T-shirt, jeans and boots, Left the house, took the subway early, before dawn, Rafael had slept with her so she left a note explaining where she would go

When she got on the subway, they all looked at her, as if she were a bushworm, she sits by the door, a mother with a child had left her side, she preferred to stand, she bent her knees and leaned her head on them

As soon as she got off the subway she saw that the gate was open, she started to come in, no one stopped her, only Guilherme and Daniel who were coming towards her, they found it strange as they had never seen her there

- What are you doing here? Decided to enroll? - Daniel asks surprised

- Take me to the board, please.

They walk into the boardroom, Kelly just accompanies him, they stop at a blue door, Kelly knocks on the door, the principal asks to enter

- Good luck - Daniel says before they leave.

Kelly opens the door and sits facing the headmistress

- I do not know if you remember me, my name is Kelly Young, I lived here for a while, but I was expelled, because I stole it ... Today I came to know about the students who live here

 - Qual è la tua domanda?  (What is your doubt?)

- Are they even going to be transferred?

  - Hanno bisogno di essere, come li lascerà senza studio? Alcuni hanno parenti in Italia, come nel caso di Guilherme Hall, ma se come Daniel Hall, tornerà pasra loro paese d'origine, Stati Uniti  (They need to be, how am I going to leave them without study? Some have relatives in Italy, like the case of Guilherme Hall, but in case like Daniel Hall, he will return to his home country, United States)

- Do not you have any copies of the documents?

  - Non capisco perché sei venuto qui   (I do not understand why he came here)

- Daniel is my best friend, Guilherme is my boyfriend's best friend, I do not want Daniel to go back to the United States, and Guilherme goes to Verona, I want them to stay here, that the four of us be friends and .

  - Siamo spiacenti, né io né si può fare nulla  (Sorry, neither you nor I can do anything)

Kelly's eyes start to fill with tears, she does not say goodbye, she just gets up and leaves the room, lucky that she did not even meet Guilherme and Daniel, she runs to the subway, this time she decides to stay away from people , As soon as he arrives in his apartment he sees Rafael awake

- Is not your mother worried? - Kelly asks

- Fuck, she prefers to believe in Bianca - Rafael says, sipping a glass of vodka. - How did you get there?

- I failed

- Oh really? It seemed like everything was going to work out

Kelly hugs him, she starts to cry on her shoulder, until she remembers something, there were several papers in the bin, she did not know if they were student papers or something, she just needed to take those papers, To kill curiosity

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