Who has mouth goes to Rome

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Bianca was making lunch in the kitchen, stirring a blue pan on the stove, Rafael was connected on MTV and her mother was reading a book by writer Anne Rice, as soon as she closes the book, she climbs the stairs, leaving Bianca and Rafael alone

  - Stai uscendo con un drogato? (Are you dating junkie?) - Bianca asks without taking her eyes off the pan

Rafael turns off the TV and faces Bianca seriously

- What did you say?

  - Qual è il suo nome? Oh, mi sono ricordato, Kelly (What's her name? Ah, I remembered, Kelly) - Bianca speaks in a voice of contempt

- How did you know that?

  - Io studio a scuola, la notizia si diffuse velocemente (I study in your school, the news spread fast) - Bianca speaks facing Rafael

She starts to walk to Rafael, sits on the couch and creeps up to him, unbuttoning her blouse, getting only her blood-red bra, she puts her hands inside her shorts and starts masturbating

  - Fottermi Rafael! Lo so che mi vuoi  (Fuck Rafael! I know you want me) - She speaks with a slight moan

- I'm sorry, but it's Kelly I want - Rafael says, pushing Bianca to the floor.

- Ve ne pentirete  (You'll regret it)

- I've already regretted the moment I told my mother to hire you.

  - Vaffanculo! (Fuck you!) - Bianca talks by buttoning her blouse and lifting her off the floor

Rafael gets up from the couch and runs towards the door

  - Scommetto che troverete con quella merda drogato (I bet she's going to meet that fucking drug addict) - Bianca speaks nervously but does not hear an answer

 As soon as he arrives on the subway, he finds Kelly next to Daniel drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels, she carries a backpack, he approaches them, picks up his cell phone and sends a message to Guilherme to go on the subway as well, as soon as Kelly sees him he runs and Give a hug, Rafael could feel her breasts

- Do not you wear a bra? - Rafael asks curious

- I like being bolder - Kelly says, laughing and sipping his whiskey.

They kissed each other, they heard several people shouting, falling to the floor, they look and see the police arrive, some girls even topless, Kelly started to pull her shirt up to her navel, when Rafael held her hand

- Do not do that - he says seriously.

Who mouth boo Rome

This was the hymn that everyone shouted, some of them recoiled and others came closer and closer to the police, even taking shots of rubber bullets, pepper spray into their eyes, dogs chasing and biting them, those people wanted a better future for that country

Guilherme arrives in the middle of the confusion and finds Daniel behind a counter in a cafeteria

- What are you doing here, you crazy man? - Guilherme asks, getting down

- I'm crazy, I decided to go for Kelly's idea, look where I came from, what are you doing here too?

- I came because of Rafael, but where are these two?

- I saw Kelly running towards him, I think they are in the crowd

Kelly and Rafael start looking for both, until they enter the cafeteria and see them behind the counter, they hide behind them, Kelly looks at them and sees that they were quite nervous, she takes 4 pills from his pocket

- Pick up, it's hashish, it will calm them down.

Each one takes a pill and swallows it at once, they should have stayed there for about two hours, until they stopped hearing the commotion, Kelly had gotten up to see what was happening, she started walking slowly until a police officer spotted Kelly and threatens to shoot her, she picks up a rubber bullet revolver and shoots her eye, which falls to the ground, blood spreading across the white floor

- We need to get out of here - Kelly says.

They get up from behind the counter and start running, as soon as they left the cafeteria, there was blood all over, it looked more like they were in a zombie apocalypse, Kelly looks scared to them

- I'm sorry, I did not know it was going to be like this.

- All right, we survived. - Daniel tells her.

It started to rain, Kelly leaves the subway station, all the rain is getting wet, Daniel goes after her, Guilherme and Rafael took the direction of their houses

- Guilherme, do you know who spread it about me and Kelly?

- I have no idea

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